Reč dobrodošlice
Welcome message
Jun 2023.
June 2023
Dragi putnici,
Dear passengers,
Već smo gotovo na polovini 2023. godine . Za to vreme naša kompanija je prevezla više od milion put- nika, ojačala vazdušne veze sa Severnom Amerikom i us- postavila 15 novih linija u Evropi, Aziji i Africi. Posebno smo ponosni na direktne letove do Čikaga koje smo pokrenuli sredinom maja, posle više od tri decenije pauze. Beograd i Čikago su prijateljski gradovi sa razvi- jenom ekonomskom, kulturnom i privrednom sarad- njom. Verujemo da će nova linija između ta dva grada doprineti daljem unapređenju odnosa Srbije i Sjedinje- nih Američkih Država i biti značajna brojnim građani- ma Čikaga koji su poreklom iz Srbije i drugih zemalja iz regiona šireg Balkana. Kao nacionalna avio-kompani- ja, uvek se trudimo da budemo snažna podrška dijas- pori i njihova spona sa domovinom. Upravo zahvalju- jući našoj novoj, direktnoj avio-liniji između Beograda i Čikaga, oni sada mogu jednostavno da stignu u svo- je rodne gradove, porodične domove, na slave, rođen- dane, punoletstva… Uz Er Srbiju ništa nije daleko. Ukoliko još uvek ni- ste odlučili kuda biste putovali tokom leta, predlažemo da već danas posetite naš sajt i u sekci- ji „Destinacije“ pronađete rešenje. Nudimo letove do preko 80 gradova širom sveta, pa vam izbor možda neće biti lak. U želji da vam još malo „otežamo“, sa- mo ovog meseca uvodimo sedam novih destinacija, i to do nekih od najatraktivnijih mesta u Grčkoj, Italiji, Bugarskoj. Da li ste razmišljali da posetite Varnu, grad na obali Crnog mora? Više volite slatku vodu od slane? Nema sumnje, uživaćete na Ohridskom jezeru. Traži- te spoj predivnih plaža, istorijskih znamenitosti i kul- turnih dešavanja? Za vas je idealan Palermo. Spremni ste da otkrijete nešto sasvim novo? Predlažem Lajko- nik festival u Krakovu. Šta god da odaberete, nećete se pokajati, jer svet je prepun predivnih destinacija koje treba upoznati. Mi znamo da su putovanja kao knjige, ona ostavljaju trag u našim sećanjima za ceo život, i zato ćemo se truditi da nastavimo sa širenjem naše mreže destinacija ka- ko bismo vam te lepote dodatno približili.
We are already halfway through 2023. During this year to date, our airline has carried more than a million passengers, strengthened its connections with North Ame- rica and established 15 new routes in Europe, Asia and Afri- ca. We are particularly proud of our direct flights to Chica- go, which we relaunched in the middle of May after a break lasting more than three decades. Belgrade and Chicago are friendly cities with develo- ped economic, cultural, and business cooperation. We be- lieve that the new route between these two cities will contri- bute to further improving the relationship between Serbia and the United States, and that it will be significant to a lar- ge number of citizens of Chicago who have roots in Serbia and other countries across the wider Balkan region. As the national airline, we always strive to be a strong pillar of su- pport to the Serbian diaspora and their link to the home- land. Thanks to our new direct route between Belgrade and Chicago, they can now easily reach their hometowns, the- ir family homes, for Saints’ day celebrations, birthdays, co- ming-of-age parties... With Air Serbia, nothing is far away. If you have yet to de- cide where to travel this summer, we suggest you visit our website today and find some inspiring ideas in the “Destinations” section. We offer flights to over 80 ci- ties worldwide, so your choice may not be easy. In our desi- re to make that choice even harder, we are introducing se- ven new destinations this month alone, including some of the most attractive holiday spots in Greece, Italy and Bulga- ria. Have you considered visiting Varna, a city on the Black Sea coast? Do you prefer freshwater to saltwater? There’s no doubt that you’d enjoy Lake Ohrid. Are you seeking to combine beautiful beaches, historical landmarks and cul- tural events? If so, Palermo is perfect for you. Are you ready to discover something completely new? We recommend the Lajkonik Festival in Krakow. Whatever you choose, you won’t regret it, because the world is full of beautiful destinations to discover. We know that travel is like books: they leave a mark in our memories that lasts a lifetime, and that’s why we’ll continue to expand our network of destinations to bring you closer to these wonders.
Jiri Marek Air Serbia CEO
Želim vam udoban let i srećan put,
I wish you a pleasant flight and a happy journey,
Jirži Marek Generalni direktor Er SrbijA
Jiri Marek CEO Air Serbia
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