je na međunarodnom Aerodromu „Janis Kapodistrijas“, smeštenom na samo 3 kilometra južno od gra- da Krfa. HANJA 12. JUN Er Srbija je letom JU754 uvela di- rektnu sezonsku liniju do Hanje na grčkom ostrvu Krit. Do nove desti- nacije nacionalna avio-kompanija saobraća tri puta nedeljno, svakog ponedeljka, četvrtka i nedelje. Inauguracioni let Er Srbije sveča- no je dočekan na međunarodnom Aerodromu u Hanji, koji se nalazi na poluostrvu Akrotiri, samo 14 ki- lometara udaljenom od grada. PALERMO 14. JUN Er Srbija je letom JU558 uspo- stavila novu liniju između Beo- grada i Palerma. Do administra- tivnog centra Sicilije nacionalna avio-kompanija saobraća sa Aero- droma „Nikola Tesla“ Beograd, dva puta nedeljno, svake srede i subo- te, tokom cele letnje sezone. Ina- uguracioni let Er Srbije dočekan je na Aerodromu „Falkone Borselino“, smeštenom u Punta Raizi, 35 kilo- metara od centra Palerma. OHRID 19. JUN Er Srbija je letom JU116, pokrenu- la direktnu avio-liniju između Be- ograda i Ohrida. Do tog grada u Severnoj Makedoniji, nacionalna avio-kompanija saobraća sa aero- droma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, četiri puta nedeljno, svakog pone- deljka, srede, petka i subote. Ina- uguracioni let Er Srbije svečano je dočekan na aerodromu Sveti Apo- stol Pavle u Ohridu.
sula just 14 kilometres from the city centre. PALERMO 14 TH JUNE With flight JU558, Air Serbia com- menced its new service between Belgrade and Palermo. The Serbian national airline is now operating fli- ghts between the Serbian capital and the administrative centre of Si- cily twice a week, every Wednes- day and Saturday, throughout the entire summer season. Air Serbia’s inaugural flight was officially welco- med upon arrival at Falcone Borse- llino Airport, located on Punta Raisi cape some 35 kilometres from Pa- lermo city centre. OHRID 19 TH JUNE Air Serbia’s flight JU116 marked the launching of direct flights between Belgrade and Ohrid. The national airline is operating flights to this ci- ty in North Macedonia from Belgra- de Nikola Tesla Airport four times a week, every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Air Serbia’s inaugural flight was ceremonio- usly welcomed at the St. Paul the Apostle Airport in Ohrid.
ugural flight was welcomed upon arrival at Ioannis Kapodistrias Air- port, which is located just three 3 kilometres south of Corfu Town. CHANIA 12 TH JUNE Air Serbia marked the start of its di- rect seasonal service to Chania, on the Greek island Crete, with flight JU754. The national airline operates flights to this new destination three times a week, on Mondays, Thurs- days and Sundays. Air Serbia’s ina- ugural flight received an official welcome at Chania Ioannis Daska- logiannis International Airport, whi- ch is located on the Akrotiri penin-
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