PhysiotherapyCenterLTD | PT Can Help You Resolve Knee Pain

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N E W S L E T T E R Your Resource for Health, Wellness, and Caring For Your Body



N E W S L E T T E R Your Resource for Health, Wellness, and Caring For Your Body



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Do you experience pain and swel l ing with squatting or climbing stairs? Do your knees often catch or lock up, making it difficult to perform dai ly tasks that once seemed simple? At The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. , our physiotherapists can help you find relief and get you moving again! Knee pain can be debi l i tat ing, making i t difficult to walk, run, and move. It may even hinder your abi l ity to do simple things l ike sitting through a movie or a long car ride. The location of your pain helps determine which structures are involved and can help ensure proper treatment. Often the pain leads to avoiding activity, but this strategy does not help in the long run. Inactivity often leads to more dysfunction and d i sab i l i t y . Phys i o t he rap i s t s a r e movement exper ts, and if your symptoms are severe or last more than a few weeks, your f i rst step should be to contact our physiotherapists! At The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. , we can get you moving once again by relieving your pain and enhancing your body’s natural heal ing process. Cal l today to schedule an appointment with one of our exper ts!

of bones, tendons, and l igaments. Knee injuries can result from direct contact or a sudden movement that strains the knee. When there is no specific event connected to the damage, the most common knee pain causes are aging, injury, or repeated stress on the knee. Knee pain can be mi ld or severe and include sprained ligaments, cartilage tears, tendonitis, and ar thritis.

Some common knee injuries include:

• Ar thr i t is. The most common type of ar thritis for knee pain is osteoar thritis (OA) . Th i s cond i t i on occu r s when the car t i lage surrounding your joints deteriorates, and the joint no longer has a sufficient cushion between the bone. This leads to joint inf lammat ion, wi th varying levels of pain and dysfunction. • Cartilage Injuries. There are two common car ti lage injuries: • Meniscus injury: The meniscus serves as a shock absorber and helps maintain stabi l i ty in the knee. A meniscus tear can be caused by contact or non-contact activity when the knee twists suddenly. Some tears are the result of wear and tear.


• We Can Help You Resolve Unwanted Knee Pain • Healthy Recipe

• The Importance Of Warming Up • Free Aches & Pains Consultation • New Year, New You

What are the most common knee injuries?

Your knee is one of the largest joints in your body, made up of a complex system

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restore function consist of range-of-motion, strength training, proprioception, and neuromuscular control activities. If you are l iving with knee pain, contact The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. today. We’ l l help rel ieve your pain so you can get back to l iving your l ife comfor tably, without l imitations! Sources: i/S1466853X17304418 • https:// www. l/10.2519/jospt.2018.0301

• Articular cartilage injury: The articular carti lage is a smooth covering on the bones that al lows for frictionless sl iding of one bone on another. Ar ticular car ti lage is injured by direct trauma or wear and tear. • Ligament Injuries: Our bones are connected by l igaments. The l igaments in your knee act l ike leather straps to hold the bones together and keep your knee stable. Ligaments are often stretched and/or torn during a sudden motion. • Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It is located in the center of the knee and controls rotation and forward movement of the shin bone. • Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL). It is located in the back of the knee and controls the backward movement of the shin bone. • Medial col lateral l igament (MCL). The medial col lateral l igament is on the inside of your knee and provides stabi l ity to sideway motions. • Lateral col lateral l igament (LCL). The lateral col lateral l igament is on the outside of your knee and provides stabi l ity to the sideways motions. • Tendinitis. Your tendons are thick connective tissues that attach muscles to bones. Tendinitis occurs when the tendon becomes inflamed due to repetitive movements. It is common with jumping and landing motions and also in spor ts l ike ski ing, cycl ing, or hurdl ing. Knee pain can make it hard to walk, rise from a chair, climb stairs, or play spor ts. Our physiotherapists are trained to diagnose and treat knee pain and help ease your pain and get you back to doing what you love!

Call Today: (345) 943-8700

How physiotherapy can help your knee pain

Physiotherapy for knee pain involves a thorough assessment of your entire lower extremity, including your hip, knee, and foot. Our team wi l l examine your knee for signs of misal ignment or structural damage and assess your stance, gait, and functional movements l ike squats and steps. Your therapist wi l l prescribe the right treatments — including exercises, manual therapy, and modal ities — to help decrease your knee pain and improve overal l mobi l ity. We wi l l provide you with a supervised, progressive program to get you moving again. Our programs to reduce pain and

New Year, New You

Try This Healthy Recipe

Balsamic Berry Vinaigrette Salad


Let The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. Ltd. Help You Reach Your Health & Fitness Goals This Year! The professionals at The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. Ltd. wi l l help you regain lost motion, strength, balance and coordination resulting from pain in your shoulders, back, neck, hips or knees. Start the year off with a safe and conservative treatment that gets results, we can help to strengthen and increase your mobi l ity, whi le decreasing pain. Our goal is to empower you to actively manage your pain, increase your range of motion and get you moving again. We wi l l get you back to l iving the l ife you deserve.

• ⅛ tsp black pepper • 3 c fresh baby spinach • 3 c torn romaine lettuce • 1 small Gala apple, sliced • ½ c crumbled goat cheese • ½ c pomegranate seeds • ¼ c chopped walnuts

• ¼ c balsamic vinegar • 2 tbsp plain Greek yogurt • 1 tbsp strawberry preserves • 1 ½ tsp olive oil • 1 tsp Dijon-style mustard • 1 clove garlic, minced • ¼ tsp kosher salt

DIRECTIONS For vinaigrette, in a small bowl whisk together vinegar, yogurt, preserves, oil, mustard, garlic, salt and pepper. In an extra- large serving bowl, combine spinach, romaine, apple, cheese, pomegranate seeds and walnuts. Drizzle with half of the vinaigrette; toss to coat. Pass the remaining vinaigrette.


Do you need help finding relief from your pain?

The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. Can Help You: • Decrease your pain • Increase your strength • Increase your activity level • Increase your flexibility • Improve your health • Get back to living Mention or Bring in This Coupon Today For a

FREE Aches & Pains Consultation Call Today: (345) 943-8700

Offer valid for the first 25 people to schedule. Expires 01-31-22

THE IMPORTANCE OF WARMING UP Our physiotherapists at The Physiotherapy Center Ltd. can teach you warm up rout ines that ut i l ize l ight weights, resistance bands, or targeted stretches to get your body ready for physical act ivi ty. Some l ight cardio

and overused by your sport or exercise, thus determining your likelihood of injury and suggesting the best warm-up techniques for keeping you safe during physical activity. Additional benefits of warming up before exercise

Whi le injury prevent ion is the main benef i t , there are many ways that warming up helps your body. Some additional benefits include: • Reducing muscle tension. When your body isn’ t warmed up, i t becomes tense and t ight . Tense and t ight muscles have restricted blood flow and may not activate as effectively. Stretching and l ight exercises before a workout helps to al leviate this tension and help muscles expand and contract more efficiently.

can also be beneficial in your warm-up routine, as the goal is to have your muscles warm and loosened up. When this happens, your muscle cel ls become oxygenated and ready to work. A physiotherapist can guide and assist you in perfecting your warm-up rout ine, simi lar to a personal trainer. Maintaining proper form during your warm-ups is just as important as maintaining it during your main exercise, and is one of the main keys to avoiding injury. Your physiotherapist will analyze your form to make sure you’re doing everything correctly in order to maximize results during your workout and help you get the most out of it. Warming up can make all the difference for those who are aging and active As we age, our bodies simply aren’t as limber as they used to be – putting us at risk for exercise-related injuries. Proper warm-ups are a great resource for those who sti l l want to remain active but may be prone to injuries or at a higher risk of developing injuries.

• Increasing range of motion in your joints. Joints that move better, work better! Warming up helps your joints move fluidly and throughout their ful l range of motion. This improves movement efficiency and function, which means better performance. • Improving circulation. In addition to improving muscle mechanics, the enhanced circulation that warm-ups bring can also accelerate the recovery of painful areas, reduce post-workout soreness, and increase your energy levels. • Helping with stress relief. There’s a strong link between physical tension and mental tension. By al leviat ing physical tension with a consistent warm-up routine, you can ease psychological stress, too. Plus, evidence shows that stretching and/or par t icipat ing in l ight exercises before a workout improves your “psychological readiness” and helps you get your head in the game.

A physiotherapist can help you f igure out where your problem areas are, so you can per form the correct warm- up rout ine for your needs. A routine that consists of a combinat ion of exercises , stretches, and pain-rel ieving

techniques that target areas where injuries are l ikely to occur is one of the best ways to avoid injury in the aging and active adult. Additionally, your physiotherapist can also help you target poor techniques and correct them. They wi l l focus more on the areas of your body that are repeatedly stressed

(345) 943-8700

25 Eclipse Drive, P. O. Box 10742 George Town, Grand Cayman, KY1-1007

Phone : (345) 943-8700 Fax : (345) 943-8701


The complex network of bones, l igaments, tendons, and muscles in the knee joint are vulnerable. Knee pain can result from many problems, from spor ts injuries to ar thritis to gout. And when knee ar thritis or a torn knee l igament strikes, cl imbing stairs, walking, and even standing can be painful . Strengthening the knee is one way to prevent knee trouble and deal with a knee condition you already have. One exercise that’s simple to do is stair climbing. Stair climbing benefits Strengthening the muscles around the knee wi l l decrease the stress on the joint itself. These muscles include the quadriceps at the front of the thigh and the hamstrings at the back of the thigh. Both of these large muscle groups get a workout when you cl imb stairs. Your own weight is enough to make stair cl imbing a chal lenge. Stair cl imbing also benefits the knees indirectly by helping to manage your weight. By walking up steps

for just five minutes, you can burn about 45 calories. If you do that five times per week, that’s 225 calories. Doing it 50 weeks a year can burn 11,250 calories. A pound is about 3,500 calories, so with a l ittle stair cl imbing most days of the year you can lose more than three pounds. Ready for a l ittle more math? If you’ re 10 pounds overweight, you’re adding 30 to 60 pounds of additional pressure on your knees with every step. Climbing stairs can help you take pressure off the joints by burning calories and dropping pounds. If you have knee pain for any reason, don’t ignore it. Rehabi l itation such as exercise can often ease the pain and make walking enjoyable again. If your knee condition requires more care, see a knee special ist at Marketplace Wel lness. Learn what we can do to relieve your knee pain and improve your quality of life.

25 Eclipse Drive, P. O. Box 10742 George Town, Grand Cayman, KY1-1007

Phone : (345) 943-8700 Fax : (345) 943-8701

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