


In the past year, companies such as American Express and Morgan Stanley have publicly shared stories of the successful use of their AI-analyzed data. In a recent keynote address, a prominent executive within Mellon Bank stated that the availability of big data technology, combined with the volume of information, is unparalleled to what was available via paper in the past. He further punctuated his speech by saying with the additional mixture of artificial intelligence analysis, businesses are going to see an unprecedented accuracy in predicting customer behavior.

company specifically designed for the real estate and mortgage industries that leverages our patent to utilize AI and big data to build schemas to meld the data for better, proven results. We have assimilated data for 155 million properties with a 225-million- record demographic dataset that includes micro and macro market influencers and a unique mix of individual and household-level demographic data. We have used this wealth of information and automation to create several lead-generating products for the real estate industry, the initial one was consumers with a desire to sell. Using this technology, Likely.AI scores every property in the U.S. based on the likelihood of a sale in the near future. Once the

property reaches a certain confidence threshold in our deep learning models, we provide this valuable lead to real estate professionals. Using this strategy, Likely.AI can provide solutions leveraging its proprietary data base to effectively generate new business for real estate lenders and other professionals. Likely.AI has been developing the most effective ways to generate business with AI and big data for real estate professionals and mortgage originators. Our proprietary data lake allows us to offer solutions others can’t. Some leverage AI and others just utilize big data in very creative ways. At Likely.AI we offer intelligence as a service. So, as you develop out your strategy with big data in the near future, consider those organizations that utilize artificial intelligence and deep learning to produce results. As Peter Sondegaard from Gartner Research said, “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion engine.”

Likely.AI’s Big Data Approach Likely.AI is an artificial intelligence

“Likely.AI is an artificial intelligence company specifically designed for the real estate and mortgage industries that leverages our patent to utilize AI and big data to build schemas to meld the data for better, proven results. We have assimilated data for 155 million properties with a 225-million-record demographic dataset that includes micro and macro market influencers and a unique mix of individual and household-level demographic data.”


Brad McDaniel co-founded his first big data analytic company over 12 years ago in the San Francisco bay area. Since then he was issued a patent for the work completed with his first company, and has held senior product positions with Market Leader, Trulia and Vast, before deciding to start Likely.ai. Brad is the pioneer of intelligence as a service for the real estate and financial industries.



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