
M ID A TLANTIC Real Estate Journal — Central Pennsylvania — December 24, 2021 - January 20, 2022 — 13B



JoJo’s Pizza & Pasta to expand on Aspen Drive in Mechanicsburg, PA Sgagias and Wenger of NAI CIR negotiate sale of 5,500 s/f fl ex building in Camp Hill, PA


offices are leaders in their local markets and work in unison to provide clients with exceptional solutions to their commercial real estate needs. NAI Global has more than 400 offices strategically located throughout North America, Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific, with over 7,000 local market profes- sionals, managing in excess of over 425 million square feet of property. Annually, NAI Global completes in excess of $20 billion in commercial real estate transactions through- out the world. MAREJ

21 at the Helm , represented the buyer. NAI CIR is the Central Pennsylvania representative of NAI Global, an interna- tional organization of real estate professionals with con- nections literally all across the world. Our transaction and management professionals are among the most experienced and successful in the business, and our platform ensures that our expertise directly benefits our clients. NAI Global is a leading global commercial real estate brokerage firm. NAI Global

AMP HILL and ME- CHANICSBURG, PA — The 5,500 s/f flex

building lo- cated at 2117 Orchard Rd. in Camp Hill has been sold t o Reed l ee Leasing Inc. Bui lding is comprised of warehouse / storage and office space situated on 0 . 5 a c r e s . B o t h N i k S g a g i a s a n d A l e x Wenger , of NA I C IR , represented

Nik Sgagias

2117 Orchard Road

guessing to enjoy. The Bill Gladstone Group, of NAI

CIR , represented the seller and Cater Ellis , of Century

Alex Wenger

the seller in the transaction. The 1.03 acres of vacant land located at the intersection of Kim Acres and Aspen Dr. in Mechanicsburg, PA has been sold to Antonino Purpura. Pur- pura owns JoJo’s Pizza and Pasta on Aspen Dr. and will be using the land the company’s expansion. The restaurant will also be adding a deck for WCIDC fi nalizes fi rst sale at Commerce Crossing at Westmoreland GREENSBURG, PA — The Westmoreland County Industrial Development Corporat ion (WCIDC) transferred 25.896 acres at Commerce Crossing at West- moreland in Sewickley Twp. to Al. Neyer . One of the lead- ers in commercial real estate development and design-build, Al. Neyer will build a 250,000 s/f class A distribution center on Lot 3 of the WCIDC’s new- est industrial park. “Two years ago, Al. Neyer gave us a huge endorsement by optioning property at Com- merce Crossing while the park was in its earliest stages of development,” said WCIDC chairman Sean Kertes . “To- day, they’re moving ahead with plans that will leverage this park’s many advantages and support economic growth in Westmoreland County.” “Our team identified an exciting opportunity at Com- merce Crossing at Westmore- land for a best-in-class distri- bution facility,” said Brandon Snyder , Pittsburgh market leader at Al. Neyer. MAREJ

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