

Berthiaume protests county’s dispatch study

tawa. The study report will explain what the indi- vidual service and equipment benefits and costs would be to each municipality in Prescott-Rus- sell for a regional contract with either Ottawa or Hawkesbury. Mayor Barton emphasized that getting a re- port on the benefits and costs of a fire dispatch contract with either Hawkesbury or Ottawa is not meant as a criticism of the service Hawkes- bury has provided in the past. “Bottom line, it’s dollars and cents,” Barton said.

“I cannot support this,” said René Berthiaume, Hawkesbury’s mayor, during the June 25 regular session of council. Hawkesbury’s mayor made the statement several times during a half-hour-long discussion following a verbal report from Michel Chrétien, UCPR emergency services director. Chrétien summarized his research into a request originating from Champlain Township Mayor Gary Barton about getting a consultant to report on the pros and cons of the counties continuing with its fire dispatch contract with

Hawkesbury or dealing with the City of Ottawa instead. An Ottawa consulting firm has offered to do the study in time for the August committee of the whole session of countes council. Cost would be about $12,000. If neighbouring muni- cipalities North Glengarry and North Stormont townships agreed to be part of the regional fire dispatch package, then they would be res- ponsible for an additional $2000 for the study. The City of Clarence-Rockland already has a fire dispatch arrangement with the City of Ot-


L’ORIGNAL | Go with Hawkesbury or Ot- tawa for fire dispatch service? That is the question for a consultant to answer for the Prescott-Russell counties council but not all the m ayors at the table are happy with the idea.

Les frais juridiques dérangent à Grenville-sur-la-Rouge

pourcentage du budget municipal. Il a fait référence aux commentaires du conseiller Robert D’Auzac, président du comité des finances, qui, dans le bulletin municipal, a dit s’être réjoui du travail de l’équipe des finances. «Il s’est dit particulièrement fier du règlement progressif des vieux litiges qui ont coûté cher à la municipalité en frais légaux», peut-on y lire. En réponse à l’intervention de M. Legris,

M. D’Auzac a mentionné que tous les frais d’avocats ne sont pas reliés aux litiges. Des frais ont aussi été engagés pour la percep- tion de taxes et le recrutement du nouveau directeur général. Le maire John Saywell a ajouté qu’afin de régler les dossiers, la municipalité doit dé- penser de l’argent. «D’ici très peu de temps, d’ici la fin de l’année, nous n’aurons plus de litiges», a-t-il soutenu.


«D’ici très peu de temps, d’ici la fin de l’année, nous n’aurons plus de litiges», selon le maire Saywell.

CALUMET |Les frais juridiques de m eurent un dossier chaud dans la m unicipalité de Grenville-sur-la-Rouge. La municipalité a engagé des frais juri- diques de 76 500$ en deux mois, a souligné le contribuable Marc Legris, lors de la der- nière assemblée du conseil. M. Legris, qui

poursuit lamunicipalité en justice, a déclaré que les frais d’avocats représentent un fort

Artistic trip

The second Garden Sculpture Show is now on at the Skelly Gallery east of St-Eugène. There is no admission fee but visitors are being invited to make a donation to the Canadian Mental Health Association. The show will run all summer, until October 31, and will be open to the public Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. Visitors can view works by 19 artists that are displayed beside a winding path.

Photos Nik Schnell

Clockwise from left: Holly Kelleher, of Maxville, with her Garden of Eden serpent, made from recycled plastic bags. Adele Reeves, of Rigaud, and her Tapping into the spirit. Dody Dines, of Ste-Anne-de-Prescott, with her Miss Flashy Fish fountain.

Gallery curator Philippa Lesniak caps the tour of the garden with Emerald City.



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