Guide to the Challenge

A full understanding of our competition series, including rules, regulations, awards, records, schedule, and more. We recommend you read this from beginning to end so you are fully prepared to take the Challenge.

INDEX Advancing to the Finals Policy Age Consideration Policy Athlete Eligibility Requirements Awards Program Overview Baton Passing Zones / Overview Annual Events

Page 24-25

Refund Policy

Page 24 Page 1 Page 4 Page 23 Page 23 Page 8-9 Page 10 Page 19-22 Page 5 Page 29 Page 3 Page 11 Page 31 Page 3 Page 27 Page 4-5 Page 8 Page 5 Page 26 Page 24-25 Page 19-22 Page 30-31 Page 30-31 Page 30-31 Page 31

Page 12 Page 1 Page 2

Regional Event Honors Definition

Region(s) Overview

Region Record Holder Program

Page 14-16 Page 9-10 Page 11 Page 24 Page 4 Page 6 Page 11 Page 14 Page 26 Page 29 Page 12 Page 2-3 Page 3 Page 3 Page 13 Page 2 Page 14 Page 1 Page 8 Page 28 Page 26-29 Page 32-33 Page 30-31

Registration Fees Registration Policy

Baton Use Policy Cancellation Policy Categories (Types) Coed Team Policy Course Officials Daily Event Schedule Delay of Sport Policy Coat Policy

Relay Category Overview Relay Category Penalties Relay Team Subcategories Rescue Randy Evolution Policy

Rookie Period

Run Order Policy

SCBA Policy

Slot Determination Process Policy

Delineator Policy Dispute Policy

Special Attempt Run Policy

Starting Area Policy

Disqualifications (Course) Disqualification (All) Overview

State Record Holder Program


Division Types

Tandem Category Overview Tandem Team Subcategories Turnout Gear Infraction Policy

Division Assignment Policy

Division Promotion & Relegation Policy

Drone Policy

Turnout Gear Policy

Eligibility Requirements

Turnout Gear Inspection Policy

Equipment Malfunction Policy

Trouser Policy Uniform Policy

Event Types

Fire Department Showdown Overview

Unsportsmanlike Behavior Policy U.S. National Record Holder Program Overall Event Honors Definition

Page 26

Forcible Entry Evolution Policy

Page 19-22

General Rules & Policies

Page 12 & Page 26

Page 1 Page 29 Page 12 Page 13 Page 13 Page 14

Glove Policy

Page 30-31

Victim Rescue Evolution Policy

Hall of Fame Program

Page 18

Video Review Policy

Helmet Policy

Page 30-31

Video Use Policy

High-Rise Hose Pack Evolution Policy Hose Advance Evolution Policy

Page 27 Page 29 Page 28 Page 7 Page 5 Page 3 Page 31 Page 28 Page 34 Page 7 Page 6-7 Page 1 Page 13 Page 12 Page 6 Page 14 Page 34

Videographer Policy Weather Delay Policy

Hose Hoist Evolution Policy Individual Category Overview Individual Subcategories

World Record Holder Program

Page 19-22

Injury Declaration Policy

Inspection (Turnout Gear) Policy Keiser Force Machine Evolution Policy

LION’s DEN Program

Page 17-18

Logo and Name Use Policy

Maximum Time to Complete Course Minimum Number of Athletes Required

Mission of Challenge

On-Course Celebration Policy On-Course Coach Allowance Policy

Open Team Policy Opening Ceremony

Patch Program & Designs

Penalties (Course)

Page 26-29 Page 32-33

Penalties (All) Overview Photographer Policy

Page 13 Page 13

Photo Use Policy

Points Champion Program Overview

Page 16-17 Page 30-31

PPE Policy

Qualifying for Events Policy Ready to Compete Policy Record Holder Programs

Page 2 Page 12

Page 18-22

MISSION OF THE CHALLENGE The mission of the SERVPRO® FCL and TFT® Series is three-fold: • Showcase the strength and readiness of the fire service. • Inspire the next generation of firefighters. • Promote the physical, mental, cardiac, and respiratory benefits that result from routine exercising, good nutritional habits, and job-based training regimens. ANNUAL EVENTS Our events are open to all firefighters, regardless of experience or physical prepared- ness, as outlined on page 2. Annually, the SERVPRO® FCL conducts eight (8) TFT® Firefighter Challenge Championship Series competition events in the United States from April 1 to October 31.


Our events include:


Welcome to the TFT® Firefighter Challenge Championship Series Official sporting event of the SERVPRO® FCL

At our Regional Classic events, we recognize the top three (3) place finishers in two awards classes: “Regional Event Honors(s)” and “Overall Event Honors”. • Regional Event Honors(s): recognizing athletes who work/reside within the same region of the region designated event. All members of a Tandem or Relay team must be from the same region to be recognized with region specific honors. • Overall Event Honors(s): recognizing any athlete or team, regardless of where they live, participating in the event.

This Guide to the Challenge will provide you with a comprehensive overview and understanding of our competition series, including eligibility requirements, turnout gear policy, course evolutions, general course rules, categories offered, program policies, award types, record holder programs, event schedule, and more. We recommend you read this from beginning to end so you are fully prepared to take the Challenge.

It is possible for a athlete or team to receive both Region and Overall Event honors at their designated regional classic event.




Qualifying for Season Opener / Regional Classics Any athlete meeting our eligibility requirement as outlined below can attend our annual Season Opener and Regional Classic events. Our sport offers an entry point for all first-time athletes to ensure they are properly aligned by performance, age, and gender. Qualifying rounds for the Individual Category are held on day one of these events. Qualifying for U.S. Nationals Competing in the U.S. National Championship is for eligible athletes only. The Season Opener and five (5) Regional Classic events serve as qualifiers. • Any U.S. athlete who competed and successfully completed the course at a minimum of one (1) regional event (or Season Opener event), during the current regular season is eligible to enter and compete at U.S. Nationals. No exceptions to this rule. • Athletes that ran and successfully completed an Individual Category run at a qualifying event are eligible to compete in all categories at the U.S. National event. Athletes that only compet- ed in a Tandem or Relay Category are only eligible to compete in these two categories. Qualifying for the World Championship Currently the World Championship is open to any firefighter from around the world that meets our general eligibility requirements. This event offers four (4) days of highly competitive qualifying rounds to determine the small percent- age of elite athletes and teams that will advance to the world title finale(s).

ELIGIBLE ATHLETES The TFT® Firefighter Challenge Championship Series is open to:

• career or volunteer firefighters (active or retired) ages 18+ that are employed by and/or are voluntary members of an organized fire department (i.e.: township, municipal, district, county, state, country, military, or industry) • licensed firefighters seeking employment • cadets • junior firefighters/explorers (ages 14-21) • accredited governmental or educational agencies with a fire service curriculum

At times, we do offer special events that allow non-firefighters to participate. Rules for these types of events will be customized for the type of event being offered. All rules and awards categories will be published with the event. DIVISIONS Our division, age and gender segmentation model align our sport with other professional sports that recognize the value and benefit of placing athletes with others based on their performance, age, and gender. athletes under the age of 40 (our largest body of athletes) are segmented into one of three (3) Divisions based on their Individual Category run time. Note: our division model was adopted instead of further breaking down this large age group into ten-year age increments like our age 40 and older subcategories. • athletes over the age of 40, known as our veterans, are automatically assigned to Division 1, and compete in their respective age/gender subcategory groups. 2 In our sport: •

Pro Level Placement Times

Competitive Level Placement Times Male: 2:30.00 and under Female: 4:00.00 and under

Developmental Level Placement Times Male: 2:30.01 and over Female: 4:00.01 and over

Male: 1:50.00 and under Female: 3:00.00 and under

Members of a Junior Firefighter or Fire Explorer program, between the ages 14-21, will be assigned in our Junior FF/Fire Explorer Division. Note: there is no division recognition in our tandem and relay categories due to the ever-changing combination of team members .


Athletes in Rookie Period: After an athlete is placed into a division at their initial event, they will continue serving in their ‘rookie period’ until they have completed four (4) full course runs. This policy helps ensure the athlete ends up in the ap- propriate division with ‘like’ athletes at the conclusion of their rookie period. If the rookie athletes’ time during the qualifying round(s) makes them eligible to be promoted into a new division, they will be immediately promoted and will represent that division for the remainder of the event. • Policy: • If the rookie athlete advances into the Individual category finale or is allowed to run a Special Attempt Run during the finale, they will be promoted again if the time justifies the promotion. They will represent that new division at the next event they attend. Annual Promotions after a rookie period concludes, all future annual promotions are held following the conclusion of the last day of qualifying rounds at the World Challenge event. Relegation: When an athlete is no longer able to maintain the required minimum course completion time in the current divi- sion, they will be relegated to the appropriate division based on their current run times. Relegation will take place after four (4) consecutive runs where the athlete failed to meet the minimum required division time. The new division assignment will go into effect at the next event they attend. An athlete relegated can be promoted again if the promotional benchmark require- ments of the division have been met. Injury Declaration: When an athlete is recovering from injury, surgery, or illness they may declare this issue with the Regis- trar before the event begins. By making this declaration the competition runs will not be counted towards promotion or relegation. An injury declaration cannot last for more than one season. DIVISON PROMOTION & RELEGATION The run request should be submitted to the Timer as soon as possible so they can keep the athlete in mind if space becomes available. • A Special Attempt Run time is not factored into the results of the primary category finale event. •

Athletes under the age of 40, not yet assigned to a division, will be placed into the appropriate division at their first event based on their performance. Athletes over the age of 40, regardless of performance, are assigned to Division 1 in the appropriate age and gender group. Newly placed athletes, Under the Age 40, will remain in a ‘rookie period’ until they have completed four (4) full course runs. Refer to the promotion and relegation section below for more details. Initial Assignment Policy: • The athlete’s ‘fastest’ run time during qualifying round(s) in the Individual category will determine the division for the remainder of the event. • If an athlete does not advance into the finale, they will remain in that division moving forward unless they request to do a Special Attempt Run during the finale. See below policy. • If an athlete does advance into the Individual category finale or is allowed to run a Special Attempt Run during the finale, their overall fastest run time at the event will deter- mine the division they will be assigned to at future events. • If an athlete experiences a DNF during their first run at- tempt, they will remain unassigned until they complete a full course run. • Any athlete Under the Age of 40 attending the World Chal- lenge event that needs an initial assignment to a division must register and complete two (2) Individual Category runs during the qualifying rounds. This is to aid in the cor- rect division assignment. Special Attempt Run Policy: A Special Attempt Run is a dedicated race where an athlete is specifically trying to achieve a goal outside of placement for the event. This run is a special opportunity offered to select athletes in select situations. These ‘special’ runs have no bearing on the medal placement at the event. The following are eligible to request a Special Attempt Run: • a first-time athlete Under the Age of 40 that did not make the Individual Category finale at the season opener or regional event and would like a chance to improve their division placement. • an athlete requesting an extra run to attempt LION’S Den. Policy: • A Special Attempt Run requires an additional category registration fee be paid. • Run requests are on a first-come, first-served, basis and are not guaranteed since they are based on space availability.


REGIONS The United States operations is divided into five (5) regions. U.S. athletes are placed into the region of their declared state of resi- dence. Military personnel will be placed into the region where their assigned base is located. Regardless of the assigned region, an athlete can compete in any regional event. International competitors can also compete in any event. STATES BY REGIONS

Alabama Florida Georgia Kentucky Mississippi

Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska

Arizona Arkansas Louisiana New Mexico Oklahoma Texas

Connecticut Delaware DC Maine Maryland

Alaska California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana

North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Virginia West Virginia

Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont

Nevada Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming

North Dakota South Dakota Wisconsin


The TFT® Firefighter Challenge Championship Series offers six (6) exciting ‘Main Categories’ to compete in: • Individual • FD Showdown Team • FD Tandem Team (new for 2025) • Hybrid Tandem Team • FD Relay Team • Hybrid Relay Team

Each main category offers a variety of age and gender ‘subcategories’ to choose from.

Individual Category : Athletes competing in the Individual Category will do so in the subcategory of their current age.

FD Tandem Team Category : Teams must adhere to the following formation policies:

• Athletes competing in the FD Tandem Team ‘Under Age 40’ subcategory must both be under age 40. • Athletes competing in the FD Tandem Team ‘Open’ subcategory can be any age however only one (1) ‘Under Age 40’ athlete on the team is allowed. Hybrid Tandem Team Category : Athletes competing in any of the Hybrid Tandem Team subcategories must select the age sub- category based on its youngest member. FD and Hybrid Relay Team Categories : Athletes competing in any of the FD and Hybrid Relay Team subcategories must select the age subcategory based on its youngest member. POLICY: A FD Showdown, Tandem or Relay team must name the team using the legal name of the FD, i.e., City of Brilliant (AL) Fire Dept. If registering more than one team in the same subcategory, each team will begin with the same city department name followed by a unique identifier, i.e., 1, Blue Team, A Team, etc.

The following are the subcategories we generally offer. Age/Gender subcategories not listed can be added in certain categories when enough teams are present and meet the required minimum teams for a subcategory to advance.


Fire Department Showdown Team Category Subcategories - All Male - All Female - Coed

Individual Category Subcategories - Overall Male - Overall Female

- Age 50-59 Male - Age 50-59 Female - Age 60-69 Male - Age 60-69 Female - Age 70-79 Male - Jr. FF/Explorer Male - Jr. FF/Explorer Female

- Under Age 40 – Division 1 Male - Under Age 40 – Division 1 Female - Under Age 40 – Division 2 Male - Under Age 40 – Division 2 Female - Under Age 40 – Division 3 Male - Under Age 40 – Division 3 Female - Age 40-49 Male - Age 40-49 Female

Tandem Team Category Subcategories:

Fire Department Tandem Team Subcategories - Under Age 40 Male

Hybrid Tandem Team Subcategories - Under Age 40 Male

- Age 60-69 Female - Age 60-69 Coed - Age 70-79 Male - Jr. FF/Explorer Male - Jr. FF/Explorer Female - Jr. FF/Explorer Coed

- Under Age 40 Female - Under Age 40 Coed - Open Male - Open Female - Open Coed

- Under Age 40 Female - Under Age 40 Coed - Age 40-49 Male - Age 40-49 Female - Age 40-49 Coed - Age 50-59 Male - Age 50-59 Female

- Junior FF/Explorer - All Male - Junior FF/Explorer- All Female - Junior FF/Explorer- Coed

- Age 50-59 Coed - Age 60-69 Male

Relay Team Category Subcategories

Fire Department Relay Team Subcategories - Under Age 40 Male

Hybrid Relay Team Subcategories

- Under Age 40 Male - Under Age 40 Female - Under Age 40 Coed - Age 40-49 Male - Age 40-49 Female - Age 40-49 Coed - Age 50-59 Male - Age 50-59 Female

- Age 60-69 Female - Age 60-69 Coed - Age 70-79 Male - Jr. FF/Explorer Male - Jr. FF/Explorer Female - Jr. FF/Explorer Coed

- Under Age 40 Female - Under Age 40 Coed - Under Age 40-49 Male - Under Age 40-49 Female - Under Age 40-49 Coed - Junior FF/Explorer- All Male - Junior FF/Explorer- All Female - Junior FF/Explorer- Coed

- Age 50-59 Coed - Age 60-69 Male


• If the minimum number of required Tandem or Relay teams in an age/gender subcategory are at an event, they can inform the timer, and the subcategory will be added and recognized for placed finishes. • If an eligible athlete or team is at an event and the minimum number of team requirements are not met, they will merge with another subcategory however their run will still be eligible to earn State, Region, U.S., or World Records in their actual age bracket category.

Note : the annual World Challenge event further segments the subcategories into five (5) year age increments in our Over age 40, 50, 60 & 70 Individual and Tandem Categories. Subcategories Definitions Overall: the overall fastest time regardless of age. Male and Female: the gender of the athlete as stated on birth certificate. Age Range: the age of an athlete that falls between two ages. Coed: a mix of male and female. (see below policy) Open: a mix of different age categories. Junior FF/EXP: a member of a junior firefighter/ fire explorer program between the age of 14-21. Hybrid: a team comprised of athletes representing more than one fire department. 5

Coed Team Policy All coed teams registering in a coed subcategory must be proportioned as outlined below: • Coed Tandem Teams: comprised of one male and one female. • Coed Relay Teams: can select formation options #’s 1, 2, or 3. • Coed FD Showdown Teams: can select formation options #’s 1 or 2.

Formation Option 1 : A three (3) person team: two (2) athletes of the same gender and one (1) athlete of the opposite gender.

Formation Option 2 : A four (4) person team: two (2) athletes of the same gender and two (2) athletes of the opposite gender.

Formation Option 3 : A five (5) person team: three (3) athletes of the same gender and two (2) athletes of the opposite gender.

• The Challenge does not guarantee that teams of the same formation will compete against one another, i.e.: a three (3) person team with two (2) males and one (1) female may go head-to-head with a four (4) person team with two (2) females and two (2) males. • All team members must perform at least one pass zone/leg as described in page 9 & 10. • Failure to comply with this policy will result in the team being ineligible to compete. • If a member of the team becomes injured during play, the team member now performing the injured members pass zone/leg must be of the same gender. Note: the injured athlete will remain benched for the duration of the category event. If a relay team is left with less than three (3) members the team will be disqualified . If a member of a tandem team must forfeit due to injury the team is disqualified . Open Team Policy Team members competing in our open Tandem subcategories can be of any age, allowing athletes of a wide range of ages to join forces to compete in this exciting subcategory, however only one (1) ‘Under Age 40’ athlete on the team is allowed. MINIMUM ATHLETE/TEAM REQUIREMENTS We require a minimum number of athletes and/or teams to be registered in a subcategory for it to be recognized . INDIVIDUAL FD SHOWDOWN FD TANDEM HYBRID TANDEM FD RELAY HYBRID RELAY








2 3

2 3

2 3

2 3

2 3

2 3


Training for a full course run in our sport requires a significant commitment, and the following exceptions are currently in place for our female athletes competing at the Season Opener, Regional and U.S. National events. This policy ensures these athletes and departments are not penal- ized while the number of athletes in these divisions and age subcategories continues to increase. Exceptions to this Policy















Other Polices: Minimum Athlete Requirements •

Minimum Not Met: in the event the minimum number of athletes or teams are not met in a subcategory, they will be moved into the preceding ‘like’ FD or Hybrid subcategory. We do not merge FD or Hybrid subcategories together . If the minimum requirement is still not met an exception will be made allowing the merged subcategories to go ahead and compete.

• Forfeiting: if an athlete elects not to run because they are being merged into another subcategory, they can inform the Timer of their decision to forfeit the event.

• Over Age 40: If an athlete in an ‘over’ age 40 subcategory is moved down into a division, they will be placed into the division that best aligns with their run time.

• Record Holder Programs: in the event an athlete and/or team is moved into a lower age subcategory, they are still eligible to earn State, Region, U.S., or World Records in their actual age bracket category.

• Single Competitor: if an athlete is the only one competing in their division or subcategory, they must still qualify and compete in the final. MAXIMUM TIME TO COMPLETE THE COURSE The TFT® Firefighter Challenge Championship Series has a maximum time that athletes and teams must complete the challenge course in all categories. This policy is for the safety of the athletes. Athletes or Teams that exceed the allowed time will be disqualified . When disqualified, for purposes of safety, the athlete(s) must exit the course.







6:00.00 and under 6:00.00 and under 6:00.00 and under 6:00.00 and under

7:00.00 and under 7:00.00 and under 7:00.00 and under 7:00.00 and under

4:00.00 and under 4:00.00 and under 4:00.00 and under 4:00.00 and under

4:00.00 and under 4:00.00 and under 4:00.00 and under 4:00.00 and under




NOTE: Continued progression on the course must be achieved by all athletes. Officials have the authority to remove an athlete from the course when progression stops, a possible health crisis occurs, or at their sole discretion if becoming concerned about an athlete’s well-being INDIVIDUAL CATEGORY OVERVIEW

In the Individual Category, an individual athlete runs the entire Course in full turnout gear with SCBA while ‘on-air’ (health protocols permit- ting). Athletes will be placed into the appro- priate division and subcategory based on their age, gender and run time. The Challenge provides athletes with a 3M™ Scott™ Fire & Safety issued SCBA and mask to use during the competition. This must be worn by all participants and cannot be substituted by the athlete (see mask exception under turnout gear regulations).


FIRE DEPARTMENT SHOWDOWN CATEGORY OVERVIEW The FD Showdown Category recognizes departments with three (3) to five (5) members from their department competing in the Individual Category by adding together the run times of the three (3) fastest team members to create a total sum. The team with the fastest cumulative time wins. • This category offers three (3) subcategories: All Male, All Female and Coed. • Only one (1) subcategory per athlete can be selected. • All team members must be from the same Fire Department (same employer). • Teams and members must be declared before the Individual Category qualifying rounds begin. • A Fire Department can enter multiple teams so long as they each meet the minimum requirement of three (3) team members. • FD teams must name their team using the legal name of the FD, i.e., City of Brilliant (AL) Fire Dept. • If any team member has more than one (1) qualifying run their fastest time will be used. • If there are less than three (3) members that finish, i.e., due to disqualification, no-show, DNF, injury, etc. resulting in no time, then the team will not receive consideration. • At ALL events the winners of the FD Showdown will be determined at the conclusion of the qualifying rounds in the Individual Category. • At ALL events the winners of the FD Showdown will be determined at the conclusion of the qualifying rounds in the Individual Category. TANDEM CATEGORY OVERVIEW A Tandem team consists of two (2) athletes. Athletes run in full turnout gear wearing a 3M™ Scott™ Fire & Safety issued SCBA but no mask. This is an ‘off-air’ category. The Course is divided into two halves, and each athlete must complete one of the halves. The team time comprises the total elapsed time to complete the full course. • Athletes can choose between two (2) main Tandem Team Categories: Fire Department and Hybrid. Each category offers a series of age and gender subcategories. o Fire Department (FD) Team : two (2) athletes from the same department. o Hybrid Team : two (2) athletes from two (2) different departments. • FD teams must name their team using the legal name of the FD, i.e., City of Brilliant (AL) Fire Dept. • The Keiser® Force Machine is the transition point. The handoff of the baton can be made either before mounting the Force Machine or after the completion of the Keiser® evolution following the hammer being placed on the mat. • It is up to the athletes to determine who does which portion of the Course. • This is a one and done run event, meaning there is no bracketing. • Athletes may serve on more than one (1) team in the same subcategory at the season opener and regional events, however we do not guarantee rest or additional space between team runs! • Athletes competing in the U.S. National and World events may only compete on two (2) teams and that are in different subcategories. • Athletes competing in the FD Tandem Team ‘Under Age 40’ subcategory must both be under age 40. • Athletes competing in the FD Tandem Team ‘Open’ subcategory can be any age however only one (1) ‘Under Age 40’ athlete on the team is allowed. • Athletes competing in the Hybrid Tandem Team Category must select the age subcategory based on its youngest member. Note : the FD Tandem Team Category was introduced in 2025, and because there were no previous records to be honored, we took the opportunity to add a twist by establishing different subcategories and age policies.


A Relay team consists of three (3) to five (5) members. Athletes run in full turnout gear wearing a 3M™ Scott™ Fire & Safety issued SCBA but no mask. This is an ‘off-air’ category. Each member of the team will complete one (1) or more legs of the course before handing a baton to anoth- er member. • Athletes can choose between two (2) main Relay Team Categories: Fire Department and Hybrid. Each category offers a series of age and gender subcategories. o Fire Department (FD) Team : a group of thee (3) to five (5) athletes from the same departments. o Hybrid Team : a group of thee (3) to five (5) athletes from different departments. • FD teams must name their team using the legal name of the FD, i.e., City of Brilliant (AL) Fire Dept. Policy Exception: a fire department team that has only three (3) or four (4) male members and one (1) female member at an event may join to form to an FD All-Male subcategory team to allow all members an opportunity to compete 8

Relay Category Overview •

Seeding Round: •

Relay teams compete against teams in the same subcategory.

Teams that are disqualified in the seeding round will be placed into the last place in the bracket. • If more than one team disqualifies during the seeding round the placement order of the disquali- fied teams will be determined by the distance their team made during play before being disqualified. Bracket Round: • The losing team of each match-up is immediately eliminated in the bracket rounds. • Each winning team will play another in the next round, until the final match-up where the winner prevails. • A team disqualified in the bracket round will be eliminated. • If both teams in the same race disqualifies the team that went the furthest distance on the course will advance. Final Four Round: • Teams that are disqualified in the Final Four will go to the consolation round. World Challenge Relay Seeding Rounds: teams are seeded by their fastest run time from the four (4) days of qualifying.

• Athletes may serve on more than one (1) team in the same subcategory at the season opener and regional events, however we do not guarantee rest or additional space between team runs! • If an athlete is serving on more than one (1) team and both teams end up having to compete against each other, the athlete must let the Timer know which team he/she will be removing themselves from. • Athletes competing in the U.S. National and World events may only compete on two (2) teams and that are in different subcategories. • Youngest Team Member Dictates Subcategory: The subcategory selected by the team must be the age category of its youngest member. • Relay substitutions due to injury, transfers, illness, and shift changes are not permitted after the original team runs. A team may reduce the number of its members so long as the minimum remains at three (3). All members of a team must run each time the team runs. A member cannot sit out for one run, or they will be ineligible to advance. They must complete one leg during play. • Single-Elimination Bracketing Program: Teams are seeded with their first race and then enter an elimination bracket based on their seeding time.

BATON PASSING OVERVIEW Our Relay Team Category differs from our other categories where our athletes must complete a full evolution as described on pag- es 27-29. Instead of evolutions, this event observes seven (7) defined course legs. It also includes five (5) designated baton passing zones and six (6) baton handoff points within the passing zones. This twist allows teams to strategically plan to their advantage. Each team member must complete a minimum of one (1) leg. Not more than six (6) baton handoffs can occur.

1st - Baton Passing Zone

Top Rail

• Baton Handoff 1: At the top of the tower, following the de- posit of the high-rise hose pack into the box, a legal handoff takes place when both athletes’ feet are on the top platform. This concludes Leg 1. • The athlete receiving the Baton must have one (1) hand on the top rail of the tower with the thumb visible to the official, i.e., facing the backside of the tower. • The athlete must not grasp the hoisting rope or release the rail until receiving the Baton. • Incidental contact while holding the top rail is not a penalty. • Baton Handoff 2: A second handoff at the top of the tower may occur after the second athlete has completed the hoist evolution. This exchange must take place with all parties on the top deck. This concludes Leg 2.

Top Plaform


• Baton Handoff 3: After the last step exiting the tower and before mounting the Keiser® Force Machine. Ex: if the athlete performing the forcible entry evolution is not the individual descending the tower, the exchange must be made before mounting the Keiser® Force Machine. This conclude Leg 3. 2nd - Baton Passing Zone

Keiser® Force Machine

3rd - Baton Passing Zone

• Baton Handoff 4: Only after stepping off the Keiser® Force Ma- chine and placing the hammer onto the mat (fully releasing the hand from the hammer), can the baton be passed anywhere between the Keiser® Force Machine and the first turn marked by a solid line near the target system. • The individual performing the activity on the forcible entry evolution must pick up and hand the Baton to the next athlete. This concludes Leg 4.

Hammer Mats

4th - Baton Passing Zone

• Baton Handoff 5: Before the line at the last delineator, the receiving athlete’s feet must not contact the line or the ground past the line until the handoff is made. • No contact with the nozzle or attack line is permitted until the athlete is in possession of the Baton. This concludes Leg 5.

Last Delineator

Hose Nozzle

• Baton Handoff 6: The athlete must penetrate the swinging saloon doors with the nozzle, strike the target and then fully shut off the nozzle before the baton can be passed. The nozzle must then be placed onto the padded system. This concludes Leg 6. • The nozzleman is the only individual that may shut down the nozzle. • The athlete cannot touch the manikin until they are in possession of the Baton. • The athlete crosses the finish line maintaining possession of the Baton at all times. This concludes Leg 7. Pass Zone 5 RELAY CATEGORY PENALTIES The following infractions are in addition to the general course infractions found in pages 26-32. Rescue Manikin Target

• Any early exchange of the baton or touching any tool or prop including hose hoist rope, forcible entry hammer, nozzle, manikin, before it is permissible as described in the section above, will result in a 2-second penalty . • If both athletes do not have both feet on the top platform before the Baton pass takes place, it will result in a 2-second penalty . • If the athlete receiving the Baton on the top platform does not have one hand on the top rail of the tower with the thumb visible to the official, it will result in a 2-second penalty . • If the athlete grasps the hoisting rope or releases the rail before receiving the Baton, it will result in a 2-second penalty . • No assistance can be rendered to a team member by any other member of the same team. This will result in immediate Disqualification . (i.e., if a member completing a task drops the Baton, they alone must be the one to pick it up). • A Baton falling down the stairs and not leaving the tower must be retrieved by the person who dropped it or be Disqualified . If any object should fall off the tower (i.e., the Baton, donut, or high-rise pack), the team will be Disqualified . • If any teammate crosses the course delineator, intentionally or unintentionally, and causes interference to the athlete in the opposing lane, an immediate Disqualification will occur. • Any intentional contact that materially affects the opposing athlete will be cause for Disqualification . • The fouled team, at their election, will be allowed a second run. The second run time will be the time of record. • If more than 5 members of a team enter the course, it will result in Disqualification .


USE OF BATON General rules of the baton include: •

It is the responsibility of the athletes, when applicable, to grab a Baton at the starting area before entering the course. Batons are provided by the Challenge. Starting the event without a Baton will result in a Disqualification . • A Baton may be used by an athlete, if needed, to assist them in the Victim Rescue evolution. Athletes electing to do so MUST be in possession of the Baton throughout their run. • At no time is placing the Baton in the mouth allowed. Violators will be Disqualified . • The Baton must be in possession of the team member when running during a tandem or relay category run. The Baton passing must be hand-to-hand, and a clear transfer must occur. There can be no forward progression without possession of the Baton. • No hands should be over the baton or touching the baton until the evolution is completed at which time the baton transfer from athlete to athlete can occur. Touching or shadowing the baton prior to a clear hand will result in a Disqualification due to a perceived lack of possession. • Athletes may elect to put the Baton down while completing the evolution, but the same athlete must pick up the Baton before advancing or passing it to the next team member. Failure to comply will result in Disqualification . • Loss of control of the Baton (such as forgetting to pick it up) will stop the team’s forward progress until the member dropping the Baton regains possession. The member who dropped the Baton cannot move forward and complete the evolution until they have regained possession. Failure to comply will result in Disqualification . RUN ORDER A Run Order will be provided the night before a category is scheduled to run and will include the estimated run time for each athlete’s race. We reserve the right to revise the run and category order at an event after it has been published due to cancellations and other contributing factors, however the original published lane assignments will remain the same unless the affected athlete agrees to change lanes. The athlete(s) or team(s) in our Individual and Tandem subcategories with the fastest qualifying times will be assigned to the red lane during finals. Teams in the Relay Category are assigned lanes based on their seeding rank and the number of teams in the subcategory. • Lane assignments are not subject to change based upon preference or request. • Lane Assignments: • If an athlete becomes unable to compete after the Finals Start Order has been published, and provides enough notice of this to our timer, the timer will either offer the relinquished position and lane assignment to the next eligible athlete in that sub- category or will consider combining other single races to create Pairs of Two. Pairing Process: • Athletes during qualifying rounds are paired with an athlete with a ‘like’ run time regardless of age or gender. • During finals, athletes advancing are paired together by the closest run time from the qualifying rounds. For the finals, ath- letes will be paired with athletes from the same division, age and/or gender subcategories. • It is the responsibility of the athlete to stay informed of the schedule via the live leaderboard and on-course monitors. If you are not present for your race you will be disqualified . COURSE OFFICIALS, OFFICIATING AND DISPUTES Course Officials A Course Official serves as the referee of the Challenge. During an event there are a minimum of three (3) on-field and (3) off-field to maintain standards of play and to ensure that all rules are observed. An Official can be identified by the black and white striped shirts they are wearing. At each event, one Course Official will serve as the Chief Course Official (responsibilities are outlined in this guide). On-field Officials, at a minimum, are stationed on the course at: • Starter Line • Red Lane • Blue Lane The number of officials stationed on the course may be increased at times and at the discretion of the Chief Course Official. Officials utilize a stopwatch during competition as a backup tool to capture race times in the event of a timer system failure. 11 Our Off-field Officials utilize our multi-camera broadcast system to assist the on-field crew by informing them of clear and obvi- ous infractions not caught during play. When this occurs, the Chief Course Official will call for a video review and will review the reported infraction. If verified, the infraction will be called.

Disputes and Video Review The Chief Course Official, receiving counsel from other Officials, will resolve all disputes regarding penalties. • Disputes must be pointed out after the athlete or team’s race has ended and before the next race ends. • The athlete and/or team receiving the infraction can request an Official Review if they feel the call was incorrect, however must be certain it was an error or risk being penalized as outlined below. • An Official can request a review to confirm the final run time when a close finish occurs, or to review a possible infraction not seen by the on-course Officials. • Only disputes where the outcome of a review would have a direct, competitive impact on the race will be reviewed. • All video footage (if available) captured by the contracted production team will be analyzed from more than one angle to assist with making the final call. Video captured via cell phone and by other means of recording will not be considered. • The video review process operates under the fundamental assumption that the ruling on the course is correct. The Chief Course Official may reverse a ruling if and only if the video evidence convinces him/her beyond all doubt that the ruling was incorrect. Without such indisputable video evidence, the official must allow the ruling to stand. • If an Official Review request in the Individual and Tandem Categories does not reverse the penalty on the course, the ath- lete and/or team requesting the review will have a 10-second penalty assessed. This is to ensure the sport is not unneces- sarily delayed by frivolous requests. • Official Review requests are not permitted in the Relay Category since every infraction called during the running of this category will be automatically reviewed to ensure accuracy. • The Chief Course Official will take no more than two (2) minutes to review a general infraction call and up to five (5) min- utes to review a time dispute. This prevents unnecessary delays from occurring when the final decision has been made based on the video evidence, if applicable. • If a question or dispute occurs over an athlete’s published final run time or penalty it should be reported to the Chief Course Official and not the timers. Direct dialogue with the timer tent to dispute a final run time or penalty is prohibited. A 5-second penalty will be assessed if a violation occurs . Calling Penalties and Disqualifications Whenever a Course Official encounters a penalty, it’s their responsibility to raise the correct penalty flag so everyone can see it. Flag colors indicate the type of penalty - Yellow: Penalty on Course, Red: Disqualification. The Course Official will also verbally inform the athlete/team on the course of the type of penalty received. Timers The timers are contracted specialists that manage our timing software, clock systems, transponders, and anything else relevant to the on-course technology. The timer should be left alone to prevent distractions that take them away from monitoring the multiple systems they’ve been contracted to manage. Unless otherwise stated in this Guide, please see a Course Official or FCL Team Member if you have schedule related questions and/or concerns. It is the responsibility of the athlete to be at the staging area when it is their time to enter the course. Athletes MUST be in the staging area and ready to compete when the preceding participant is at the start line. Individuals or teams not ready for the start signal will be disqualified . Age Consideration For placing an athlete into an age-based subcategory, their age at the time of an event will be used. In the event the athlete has a birthday during the event, their age on the first day of the event will be used for the duration of the event. One Run Equals One Category/Subcategory An athlete cannot place and/or be recognized in more than one category and/or subcategory ‘per run’ except when vying for FD Showdown honors. On-Course Coach Allowance Athletes in Division 3, if needed, are permitted to designate one (1) individual to serve as their Coach during an Individual Category run. GENERAL RULES Ready to Compete: Prepared at Staging Area • The athlete should inform the Course Official assigned to their lane as they approach the starting area. • The Coach must remain in the designated areas instructed by the Course Official. • At no time can the coach stand on the red and blue victim rescue lanes! • No camera and/or recording equipment is allowed to be held by the Coach to prevent possible tripping and/or a collision on the course. 12

Photographers and Videographers We open our arms to amateur and professional photographers, videographers, and media to attend our events, however safety and insurance protocols prevail. • Only authorized staff and contracted workers are permitted to freely roam the course. • Guest photographers and videographers must obtain permission from a Course Official and can stand no more than two (2) feet from the front of the banner line system located on both sides of the course. • Team members, friends and/or family members of an athlete wishing to take photos or record the race must do so from the backside of the banner line system. • Anyone not authorized to enter the course will be removed. Commercial Use of Photos and Video

Our organization does not allow the commercial sale of photographs and video taken/recorded at our events by anyone oper- ating without written permission from the First Responder Institute! Please send any requests to well in advance of the event. Use of Drones Due to safety concerns, insurer requirements, and local government restrictions and/or laws, the unauthorized use of drones over the air space of the challenge course and event is not permitted unless permission is granted before the event begins. Please send any requests to well in advance of the event. On-Course Celebration:

We recognize the excitement when a friend, loved one, or team member crosses the finish line however the following rules apply due to our safety and insurance protocols: • The race does not end until the heels of both mani- kins have fully crossed the finish line. • Any person(s) NOT part of a Tandem or Relay team CANNOT ENTER THE COURSE until the Course Official indicates that both athletes and/or teams have com- pleted the race. • Team members already on the course because they were part of the race MUST STEER CLEAR OF THE FINISH LINE until both athletes and/or teams have completed the race. Team members must either stand behind the catch pad or off to the side of the finish line truss system ensuring that both the athlete and Course Official have a clean path to the finish line. This also prevents our camera system from being obstructed.

Infraction Policy:

• Anyone entering the course before the play has ended in both lanes will be issued a one-time verbal warning and must immediately leave the course. • Family members entering the course that do not adhere to the verbal instruction to exit the course immediately will see their athlete Disqualified . • Any athlete(s) entering the course that were not part of the current race will be Disqualified . • Team members already on the course that do not remain to the sides of the victim rescue lanes and are obstructing the path of the Course Official and TV crew will receive a 5 second penalty .


Equipment Malfunction During a competition event, if a challenge course equipment failure occurs the athlete will defer to the Course Official for instruc- tions. The Chief Course Official will make an on-site determination on how to remedy the situation in a fair and equitable manner. Weather Delays When lightning and/or severe weather is approaching the area, we will delay play until it’s safe to return. If play is delayed, we will do our best to get all scheduled runs in. However sometimes it may not be possible. In these rare circumstances we will complete our Individual Category races first, followed by Tandems and then Relays. DAILY EVENT SCHEDULE To create a consistent experience for all, we offer the same daily race schedule for each event type. Always defer to the published schedule on the events registration page in the event a modification has been made.






Individual Qualifying

Individual Qualifying

Tandem & Relay Finales

Individual Finale


Individual Qualifying

Tandem & Relay Finales

Individual Finale


Individual Qualifying

Individual Qualifying/ Tandem Finale Qualifying All Categories

Relay Finales Individual Finale


Qualifying All Categories

Qualifying All Categories

Qualifying All Categories

Individual Finale

Tandem & Relay Finales

Opening Ceremony: at times these ceremonies may vary by event, however our goal is to conduct the Opening Ceremony at our Season Opener and Regional Events on Friday mornings when we have the most athletes present. At our U.S. National event on Saturday morning, and our World Challenge event on Friday morning. Via a roll call format, each athlete, state or country is introduced onto the course by our announcer. Athletes are encouraged to bring their city, state or nations flag to wave while walking onto the course. AWARD PROGRAM Honoring our athletes’ hard work and commitment to our sport is important to us. The following are our awards and recognition protocols.

• At all events, we recognize the top three (3) place finishers in each division and subcategory with a medal and custom certificate. At our Season Opener and Regional events our Our Overall Male and Female Individual Category winners receive a special trophy from RWC®, and our Top 10 Overall Male and Females (the fastest times regardless of age) receive a special certificate. • At our Regional Classic events, we recognize the top three (3) place finishers in two (2) awards classes: “Regional Event Honors(s)” and “Overall Event Honors”. o Regional Event Honors(s): recognizing athletes who work/reside within the same region of the region designated event. All members of a Tandem or Relay team must be from the same region to be rec- ognized with region specific honors. o Overall Event Honors(s): recognizing any athlete, regardless of where they live, participating in the event. • It is possible for a athlete to receive both Region and Overall Event honors at their designated regional classic event. • At the U.S. National and World events all competitors receive a special certif- icate that shows where they ranked overall in the Individual Category at the event (based on their fastest run time at the event and not by age group).


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