Guide to the Challenge

USE OF BATON General rules of the baton include: •

It is the responsibility of the athletes, when applicable, to grab a Baton at the starting area before entering the course. Batons are provided by the Challenge. Starting the event without a Baton will result in a Disqualification . • A Baton may be used by an athlete, if needed, to assist them in the Victim Rescue evolution. Athletes electing to do so MUST be in possession of the Baton throughout their run. • At no time is placing the Baton in the mouth allowed. Violators will be Disqualified . • The Baton must be in possession of the team member when running during a tandem or relay category run. The Baton passing must be hand-to-hand, and a clear transfer must occur. There can be no forward progression without possession of the Baton. • No hands should be over the baton or touching the baton until the evolution is completed at which time the baton transfer from athlete to athlete can occur. Touching or shadowing the baton prior to a clear hand will result in a Disqualification due to a perceived lack of possession. • Athletes may elect to put the Baton down while completing the evolution, but the same athlete must pick up the Baton before advancing or passing it to the next team member. Failure to comply will result in Disqualification . • Loss of control of the Baton (such as forgetting to pick it up) will stop the team’s forward progress until the member dropping the Baton regains possession. The member who dropped the Baton cannot move forward and complete the evolution until they have regained possession. Failure to comply will result in Disqualification . RUN ORDER A Run Order will be provided the night before a category is scheduled to run and will include the estimated run time for each athlete’s race. We reserve the right to revise the run and category order at an event after it has been published due to cancellations and other contributing factors, however the original published lane assignments will remain the same unless the affected athlete agrees to change lanes. The athlete(s) or team(s) in our Individual and Tandem subcategories with the fastest qualifying times will be assigned to the red lane during finals. Teams in the Relay Category are assigned lanes based on their seeding rank and the number of teams in the subcategory. • Lane assignments are not subject to change based upon preference or request. • Lane Assignments: • If an athlete becomes unable to compete after the Finals Start Order has been published, and provides enough notice of this to our timer, the timer will either offer the relinquished position and lane assignment to the next eligible athlete in that sub- category or will consider combining other single races to create Pairs of Two. Pairing Process: • Athletes during qualifying rounds are paired with an athlete with a ‘like’ run time regardless of age or gender. • During finals, athletes advancing are paired together by the closest run time from the qualifying rounds. For the finals, ath- letes will be paired with athletes from the same division, age and/or gender subcategories. • It is the responsibility of the athlete to stay informed of the schedule via the live leaderboard and on-course monitors. If you are not present for your race you will be disqualified . COURSE OFFICIALS, OFFICIATING AND DISPUTES Course Officials A Course Official serves as the referee of the Challenge. During an event there are a minimum of three (3) on-field and (3) off-field to maintain standards of play and to ensure that all rules are observed. An Official can be identified by the black and white striped shirts they are wearing. At each event, one Course Official will serve as the Chief Course Official (responsibilities are outlined in this guide). On-field Officials, at a minimum, are stationed on the course at: • Starter Line • Red Lane • Blue Lane The number of officials stationed on the course may be increased at times and at the discretion of the Chief Course Official. Officials utilize a stopwatch during competition as a backup tool to capture race times in the event of a timer system failure. 11 Our Off-field Officials utilize our multi-camera broadcast system to assist the on-field crew by informing them of clear and obvi- ous infractions not caught during play. When this occurs, the Chief Course Official will call for a video review and will review the reported infraction. If verified, the infraction will be called.

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