in the Psalms. For instance there were Psalm 16:11: “ Thou wilt show me the path o f life: in thy presence is fulness of jo y ! at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.” Psalm 37:4 : “De light thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart” and Psalm 86:11: “Teach me thy way, 0 Lord; I will walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name.” Each verse brings to mind the radiant face of a beloved classmate, some still serving here below, some called Home long since. I know from personal experi ence that through the years these special verses have served again and again to guide, encourage and control us, each in our own min istry and place of service, and also to bring to remembrance our glad young days at the Bible In stitute, where we so often sang together our Theme Song—“ Liv ing For Jesus.” I hum the words softly once more as I write — “Living for Jesus a life that is true; Striving to serve Him in all that I do; Yielding allegiance, glad-hearted and free ; This is the pathway of blessing for me.” It may no longer be customary for students to choose a “Life Verse,” but one need not be an enrolled Bible student to claim the special blessings attached to this time-honored practice. Any one, young or old, may search God’s Word for that particular verse or passage in which God speaks to him or her in a way that is unforgettable. Then one repeats that verse to oneself many times during the days and nights that follow, seeking to en ter more and more into its deep meaning and to live thereby. At times a change o f verse may be more helpful. Certain verses with their attendant commitments may be outgrown, and a new challenge needed for further growth in grace. A retired but still very active missionary wrote me recently that when he was on dangerous mis sions in Africa years ago, his wife FEBRUARY, 1969
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R adio B ible C lass
I N THE BOOK, Anecdotes Ilustrative of Old Testament Texts, I read about a Christian man who heardthat another brother was talking against him. Going to himhesaid, "Will you be kindenough to tell me my faults to my face that I mayprofit by your Christian judgment, and try to get rid of them?” “Yes, Sir, I will,” replied the other. They went aside, and the former said,“Be fore youbeginto tel what youthink iswrong withme, wil you please kneel downand pray that my eyes may be openedto see my faults as you point them out?” The other agreed, and it was done.When the prayer bythe critical brother wasover,the manwho had sought the interview said, “Now pro ceed with your complaints concerning me.” But the other replied, “After praying over them, they look sotrivial that they arereally notworth talking about. The truth is, I now feel that in going around and speaking against youbehind your back, I havebeen of the wrong spirit andactually havebeen serving the Devil. I
have done you!” It is said that the faults which we see mostquickly in others are the very ones which aremostprominent in our ownlives. I have foundthat true inmy ownexperience. When a certain trait insomeone else irritates me, uponcarefulexaminationI find that that very thing is oneof my ownshortcomings. How hesitant we should be to judge others, how gracious in overlookingtheir faults. Let us turn the spotlight uponour ownlives, thus making sure that we, personally,are right in the sight of God. Isn’t it strange how easyit is to se the mote in a brother’s eye, whenwe have such a big beam in our own? Each and every morning maywe start theday with a period of heart-searching, sayingwith thePsalmist: “Search me, 0 God,andknow me, andknow my thoughts: And see if there be any wickedway in the way everlasting” (Psa. 139:23,24). THOT: You can talk about me as much as you please, but I'll talk about you down on my knees! my heart: try me, andlead me in
have need that you pray for me and forgive me the wrong that I
11» above is selected from Our Daily Bread, the devotional guide published monthly by Radio Bible (lass. This booklet contains interesting meditations, Scripture portions, poems, ond a thought for every day of the month— as written by Richord DeHaan, Henry Bosch, Herbert Vender Lugt, ond the late Dr. M. R. DeHaan. Your copy is waiting for you, free and postpaid.
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a “ lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path,” and the choice of a Life Verse is but one of them worth trying. I still live by my original verses o f Colossians 3: 16-17, but would add now Psalm 119:11: “ Thy testimonies have 1 taken as an heritage for ever, for they are the rejoicing o f my heart.” Lillian I. Robinson graduated from Biola in 1927. 39
said that his Life Verse should be — “ The Lord preserveth the simple” (Psalm 116:6), for he so often escaped harm while trav elling through the jungle; but now that he has accepted a new chal lenge as chaplain o f a large Gen eral Hospital in California, his Life Verse has become “They shall still bring forth fruit in old age” (Psalm 92:14a). There are many ways of expe riencing the joy of God’s Word as
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