Hola Sober December

" Are you going to be a Happiness dealer to your own life? What steps will you take to improve and choose happiness? I choose happiness through keeping a gratitude journal, speaking gratitude out loud throughout my day, catching those negative thoughts when they attempt to take over my mind, and setting boundaries…knowing that a life of toxic busyness and people are not good for my mental health. That being said, I am Still having to get out my sword and battle anxiety and fear. The last few days have been especially bad… for some reason I have been focusing on the Fear of losing my health, fear of not being able to take care of myself as I get older and potentially lose my independence. Anxiety and heartache over A country that is becoming more and more divisive. There are days when I lose the battle. I guess it’s important to remember not to be hard on myself when I do. That just causes a vicious cycle of anxiety and fear…then punishing myself for it and feeling even worse. I am sure this is something I will need to work on all the days of my life. I so envy those of you who do not battle a fearful mindset. Like Virginia, when something happens, (and it always does, doesn’t it?) I take the situation and catastrophize it, dwelling on the worst case scenario. I am working so hard to be free of that! It’s so nice to know I have all of you to support me as I fight my battles!

Not today lady, not today."



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