The CIPP’s
Awards’ judges
The CIPP thanks the Awards’ judges for their time and commitment.
Judges are chosen from a variety of industries to reflect the diversity of the payroll and pension professions.
The judges review each nomination online. They allocate a score out of ten based on how well the nomination meets the category criteria. The nomination with the highest overall score receives the award.
Fiona Chamberlain FCIPP North Bristol NHS Trust
Chris Tidy MCIPPdip Hiscox PLC
CaraWright MCIPPdip St George’s University of London
Helen Harvey MCIPPdip Zinnia Payroll Consultants Ltd
Amber Ainsley Pritchard Reward Strategy
RichardGarth HMRC
John Stonestreet ChMCIPPdip Essex Police and Kent Police
Paul Floyd Sainsbury’s Supermarket Ltd
SarahMcKellar ACIPP Standard Chartered Bank
Pete Statham MSc FCIPP City Football Club
Vicki Evans MCIPPdip Associated British Foods plc
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