Annual Conference and Exhibition Souvenir Supplement 2018



Souvenir supplement

“Once again the CIPP Annual Conference and Exhibition was one of the go to events on the payroll calendar.”

Melissa Goddard, Chief product officer, SD Worx

“Networking – deeper engagement with like-minded organisations”

Ginnie Freeman MCIPP, Commercial director, Income Group

“And very much energised by the speakers who brought so much to the conference in terms of learning on how we all tick or can improve ourselves.” Jackie Horgan MCIPPdip, Team leader payroll and expenses, Rolls Royce

Plenary one – Welcome to the 34th annual conference

Marc Woods, chair, Chartered Institute for Management of Sport and Physical Activity

Marc began by welcoming everyone to the conference, and then delivered the inspirational and humorous story – Path to Gold – of his life, attitude and drive to succeed despite a serious disability.

Marc was diagnosed with cancer at age seventeen, which lead to the amputation of his left leg below the knee. After surgery, Marc, a county swimmer, was soon swimming quicker with the one leg than he previously did with two.

It was his ambition to be the best. Within eighteen months of ending chemotherapy Marc would represent Great Britain at the Paralympic Games. He went on to complete another four Games and won 12 medals.

Marc’s presentation included video clips of two relay swimming races he participated in with three disabled team mates. In the first, the team finished second to the German team by a tiny fraction of a second. This loss, albeit tinged with silver success, drove Marc and his team to be better. Indeed, in the second video the team smashed the world record finishing in first place well ahead of the German team.

Though the story suggests personal ambition, drive and success, it extends to include the swimmers’ support team without whom their success in the pool could not be achieved. Marc emphasised that success requires everyone to focus and work together.

Marc’s story, which prompted several rounds of appreciative applause, resonated with attendees some of whom as conference speakers included elements in their own presentations.

“This year I felt I gained a lot of personal development rather than just payroll development, and I really felt lifted by this.”

Sarah Welch FCIPP, HR business partner – payroll and HR systems, Total Gas and Power



Plenary two – Brexit – The clock is ticking, are you ready?

Linda Scott, chief executive officer, West Lothian Chamber of Commerce/director of Scottish Chambers

Linda provided information about the Scottish Chambers, which is involved in many business support services and in regular dialogue with the Scottish and UK governments, and then dived into the issues arising from Brexit.

In outlining the implications for business and how best to prepare, Linda discussed:

● addressing the threats and opportunities of Brexit, including supply chain, routes to market and increasing market share ● addressing currency and how it can affect businesses such as the potential effects of currency fluctuations on business ● identifying and understanding staffing implications of Brexit ● providing insight to the taxation considerations businesses must make.

Plenary three – Motivational session

Kevin House, The Art of Brilliance

This session, at the beginning of day two, was uplifting, motivating and stimulating.

Kevin revealed that in 2006, as an out of control, obese, heavy drinking type 1 diabetic, doctors gave him the ultimatum: change or face the consequences. He’d tried to change many times but had consistently failed. But after reading some of that ‘airy fairy positivity stuff’ Kevin was surprised by the results when he put the ideas into practice.

After running the New York City marathon in 2007, he never looked back. The benefits are incredible: more energy, improved mood, excellent diabetic control and flourishing professionally.

Kevin discussed life satisfaction and the choice to be happy. He introduced the ‘2%ers’ - people who are their best selves the majority of the time.

Delegates learned of the four horsemen of negativity: monotony, tiredness, complexity and news, plus how to overcome the imapct of negative people or ‘mood hoovers’. Kevin illustrated how our behaviour affects those around us with a video of a ‘2%er’ train driver whose on-board announcements changed the mood of the passengers on his train.

Kevin encouraged delegates to make everyday a special pants day.



Plenary four – HMRC panel

The following three representatives from HM Revenue & Customs answered questions submitted by delegates. ● Gerry McShane, PAYE senior process expert on the Individuals Team, PAYE and NI Business Delivery Team ● Jackie Levy, HMRC business delivery lead for PAYE Employers and Construction Industry Scheme ● Richard Garth, Customer engagement team. A few of the questions posed to the panel: ● When HMRC change a tax code putting the employee onto a Wk1/Mth1 basis why don’t HMRC explain the reasoning behind this to the taxpayer? ● Are HMRC officers paid a commission/bonus for finding employers that have breached the minimum wage? ● With RTI now established, are there plans to remove the P45 as previous pay and tax figures are provided on P6 notices where applicable?

Plenary five – Legislation update

Helen Hargreaves MSc ChFCIPPdip, CIPP associate director of policy

Helen provided an informative and engaging legislation update on the following range of topics affecting the world of payroll:

● Brexit ● devolution ● termination payments ● student loans

● Taylor review ● Office for Tax Simplification ● CEO pay ratios ● payslips ● off-payroll working in the private sector ● short-term business visitors

● apprenticeships ● childcare vouchers ● workplace pensions ● future developments

● minimum wage ● gender pay gap



Plenary six – Employment law update

Jade Linton, associate solicitor, Thursfield Solicitors Ltd

In an engaging and very informative session Jade’s update covered:

● equality of pay update – gender pay gap reporting: what the reports inform; examples: Apple, Ryanair ● modern working practices – the ‘good work plan’: including day one rights ● taxation of termination payments – position from April 2018, plus case studies ● an overview of changes in 2018 – fit for work assessments, NM/LW, childcare vouchers.

Evening entertainment

On the first evening of the conference, the entertainment group The Noise Next Door, which also featured at the Scottish National Conference in September, invited audience suggestions and transformed them into fantastically funny scenes and songs with a perfect blend of ludicrous characters, witty one-liners, epic stories and explosive physicality.

“I picked up quite a bit on networking, management and the digital age going forward.”

Sharon Anderson BA (Hons) FCIPPdip, EMEA payroll manager, Trustwave



Welcome from…

During the conference the Institute’s overseas guests addressed the delegates extending a welcome message and outlining the role and activities of their payroll associations.

● Sandra Morrison, chair of the board of directors, Canadian Payroll Association ● John Raguz, president, American Payroll Association ● Helena Holdwright MCIPP , director, Irish Payroll Association ● Tracy Angwin MCIPP , chief executive officer, Australian Payroll Association ● James McKerrell MCIPP, chair, South African Payroll Association (Jason Davenport, vice chair, CIPP, delivered his welcome)

Penny’s conference special

Our favourite biscuit factory payroll manager Penny Fordham from the ongoing ‘confessions’ series in the CIPP’s membership magazine made a special appearance at the Conference which is commemorated with a special booklet of all 29 stories to date along with a very special Conference diary that everyone can relate to, following the excitement of an Awards night and the many networking opportunities.

A few copies of Penny’s Conference Special are available by contacting with ‘Penny’s Conference Special’ as the subject. Postage costs and a contribution to the CIPP’s designated charity required.



W1 – OpRA – Preparations for a PAYE audit Julie Northover MCIPP , director, PayPartners Ltd Julie examined the potential pitfalls of not correctly identifying and reporting optional

W4 – How to network like a pro with confidence Bella Rareworld, networking trainer and speaker, BellaNetworking Training Ltd

Bella provided attendees with discussion opportunities to

remuneration arrangements and discussed the rules for ensuring a salary sacrifice arrangement is successful. HMRC will be looking closer at benefits under an OpRA and examining the management of long-standing salary sacrifice arrangements.

understand preparing and creating SMART networking goals, creating positive networking mind-set for success at every networking event, questions to start any conversation and follow- up to build long-term relationships.

W2 – Pension freedoms – What have we learned so far? Henry Tapper , founder, Pension PlayPen

W5 – Why CPD is so important to professional career development Helen Hargreaves MSc ChFCIPPdip, associate director of policy, CIPP Julie Lock MCIPPdip, innovation director, Mitrefinch Ltd

In this workshop, for payroll people interested in pensions,

Henry discussed whether pension freedoms are working as intended, are there unintended consequences, the options for those who want ‘freedom from freedoms’, and the consequences for payroll.

Julie and Helen discussed the importance of CPD, both to employers and individuals and how to make best use of the CIPP’s CPD logging tool. The session included how it benefits employers, how individuals benefit from logging CPD and an overview of the CIPP CPD logging tool and how to use it.

W3 – Creating an expenses policy Deborah Saunby, sales and marketing director, Selenity Jas Jhooty, director, emTax In this session Deborah and Jas provided an overview of expenses legislation, moving onto providing best practice advice on common problem areas that attendees need to be aware of when writing their expenses policies. Topics included legitimate business travel and the information the policy should contain.

W6 – Complying with GDPR Karen Thomson MSc

ChFCIPPdip FHEA, director of payroll services, Armstrong Watson LLP

In this session Karen recapped on the GDPR legislation and

looked at lessons learnt since its implementation. Included were hints and tips on how to continue managing data to ensure compliance covering right to be forgotten, data movement, suppliers and payroll specifics.

“Better contacts, updated legislation knowledge.”

Amy Johnson MCIPP, payroll support team leader, Armstrong Watson LLP

“Very useful updates and networking contacts.”

Madeleine Chawner MCIPP, head of payroll, British Standards Institution



W7 – Making the most of your defined contribution pension scheme Catherine Lockyer, partner, First Actuarial

W10 – Thinking inside the box! Pam Hadfield, senior lecturer in work-based learning and mentoring, University of Derby

Catherine’s session aimed at those looking to get the

Pam discussed creativity as a core competency which requires

maximum benefit from their defined contribution pension scheme. Attendees learnt ways to find out what their staff want to know, how to benchmark their scheme to ensure its delivering, and the best ways to remedy failings in the scheme.

a multifaceted approach to thinking; imagination, intuition, logic, planning and reflection are all part of it. It is vital we develop strategies to become less entrenched in one particular thinking preference and open up our perspective to new approaches.

W8 – Developing a strategic approach to reward design Ros Hendren MSc CMgr FCMI dip FCIPPdip FHEA, consultant, Well Paid Consulting

W11 – Keeping up with the gig economy – HR and payroll implications Melissa Goddard, chief product officer, SD Worx Rick Norgate, head of sales and solutions, SD Worx Melissa and Rick enabled attendees to explore this subject in detail, to understand the

Ros discussed the importance and relevance of aligning reward strategy to the wider business and organisational objectives and needs, the impact of organisational culture, how a mission statement may provide a foundation for reward strategy development and the reinforcement of the basic concepts.

impact on employers and to get a sneak preview of their product roadmap. This preview included re-imagining payroll, delivering self-guided implementations, analytical tools that predict future trends and a payroll and HR system that you can talk to.

W9 – How to make social media work for you – benefits and pitfalls of social media Vickie Graham DipM ACIM, associate director of business development and membership, CIPP Nick Day ACIPP, managing director, James Gray Associates Ltd In this workshop, Vickie and Nick covered staying up to date with payroll news, what is currently trending in the world of social

W12 – The latest from The Pensions Regulator Andy Nicholls FCIPP, industry liaison manager, The Pensions Regulator

Andy provided an automatic enrolment update looking at: the next six months and beyond, compliance and enforcement with case studies and frequently asked questions.

media and why this is important. They discussed what the social payroll landscape will look like in the future, locating best content and avoiding common social media pitfalls and time-stealers.

“Many useful insights, much information and a lot of contacts.”

“Very useful update on matters relating to payroll and good opportunity to network with payroll professionals.”

Neil Tonks ChMCIPPdip, legislation manager, MHR Ltd

Alison Ford MCIPPdip, legislation analyst, Oracle Corporation UK Ltd



W13 – What does a good reward package look like – case study Ian Hodson MSc ChMCIPPdip, head of reward, University of Lincoln Claire Kennedy MCIPPdip, payroll manager, University of Lincoln In this session, Ian and Claire looked at how their employer’s reward and recognition package has evolved and the role of the payroll team in making it a success. Topics covered

W16 – Practical considerations for Brexit Christopher Hawkes, director - global mobility services, KMPG LLP Zachary Shingler, manager, KPMG LLP Christopher and Zachary asserted that planning is key. The pair outlined: what is known now, where we will be in March 2019, the impact Brexit will have on current (and prospective) employees and the steps businesses need to take to prepare themselves for the forthcoming changes.

included design of a reward and recognition platform, employee engagement, performance and reward, organisational values and avoiding the pitfalls.

W17 – LGPS update Shaun Tetley FCIPPdip, payroll

and pension manager, Portsmouth and Gosport Councils

W14 – Advisory panel Q&A and topical debate Jill Smith MCIPPdip, policy manager, CIPP

In this session Shaun set out just about everything delegates would want to know about the Local Government Pension Scheme, covering LGPS 2018 update, implementing shared cost salary sacrifice AVCs and other options to increase benefits, exit payments in the public sector and other topical LGPS information.

Susan Richardson MCIPPdip, policy and advisory officer, CIPP Angela Adams MCIPPdip, policy and advisory officer, CIPP Gemma Mullis , policy and advisory officer, CIPP

W18 – How do you measure the success of a reward programme? Rosemary Lemon, group head of reward, Hays plc

This session gave delegates the opportunity to ask the CIPP Advisory Service and policy team burning questions relating to payroll, whether generally or on specific scenarios within their organisation.

Rosemary’s session included a look at reward strategy and what

W15 – Managing conflict in the workplace Jade Linton, associate solicitor, Thursfields Solicitors Jade provided insight focussing on behavioural preferences, what to look for and how to resolve

you are trying to achieve, prioritisation, being creative and thinking outside the box. Measuring success: engagement, feedback, value, retention, capability, take-up performance.

W19 – Payroll compliance panel Q&A and debate on topics such as money laundering, NMW, GDPR and right to work Stuart Hall MCIPPdip, director, Karen Thomson MSc ChFCIPPdip FHEA, director of payroll services, Armstrong Watson LLP Stuart and Karen answered questions on a wide range of topics.

conflict between individuals and amongst teams. She delved into when conflict does arise, how to diffuse it and set out practical steps to combat conflict before it arises.



W20 – What does it take to become a great manager? Elaine Gibson MSc ChFCIPP MCMI FHEA, education director, CIPP Dr Sue Smith EdD MA BEd FHEA FCMI Cmgr AssocCIPD , associate director of professional education, CIPP In this interactive session Elaine and Sue covered: how your management/leadership traits impact your team and/or other

W23 – Reward panel surgery – Q&A and debate Ros Hendren MSc CMgr FCMI dip FCIPPdip FHEA, consultant, Well Paid Consulting Rosemary Lemon, group head of reward, Hays plc Ian Hodson MSc ChMCIPPdip, head of reward, University of Lincoln

This was an opportunity for delegates to ask reward experts any questions that they had on reward, whether in general or related to specific scenarios within their organisation.

departments you work with; how to obtain optimum team performance; exploring the vision of a leader/manager; and exploring signature strengths.

W24 – Update on Irish payroll and PAYE modernisation Helena Holdwright MCIPP, director, Irish Payroll Association

W21 – How the digital world can make a payroll manager more effective Dianne Hoodless MSc ChFCIPP FHEA, EMEA payroll manager, Hyperion Insurance Group

Helena delivered an update on Irish payroll by looking at: Budget 2018, Finance Act 2017, PAYE modernisation and taxation of illness benefit in 2018, PAYE, PRSI and USC for 2018.

Dianne explained that we have entered a new digital world of work, which will dramatically change the way the payroll function is managed. Why is payroll the last function to move to the cloud? Is it a surprisingly complex operation? Or so critical that no one wants to change systems so long as it’s working well?

W25 – Taking care of your ‘Sprout Store’ David Algeo, stressed guru, Algeo Training Limited Building on his session at conference 2017, Dave covered: building coping reserves – thrive

W22 – Planning for retirement – role of the employer John Stonestreet ChMCIPPdip , head of payroll and pensions, Essex Police and Kent Police David Lunt , head of business development, The People’s Pension

(not just survive); introduced more vegetables as metaphors; the concept of the ‘coping reserve’ (your sprout store); the importance of keeping your ‘coping store’ well-stocked and depletion culprits; and selecting your ‘wellbeing five-a-day’.

W26 – Practicalities of benefits in kind for payrollers Samantha Mann MAAT MCIPPdip, senior policy and research officer, CIPP

John and David explored planning for retirement from a public and private sector point of view. They covered the employer’s role from recruitment to retirement, changes to public sector schemes (final salary to CARE), legal and paternalistic responsibilities and distinction between information and advice.

Sam reviewed the development of voluntary payrolling in practice, and covered: organisational policy and procedures, software applications and RTI processes v traditional reporting, government digital services and use of third-party service providers and increasing change wrought by new legislation and tax simplification measures.



W27 – Pensions panel surgery – Q&A and debate Cliff Vidgeon FCIPP, visiting research fellow and consultant, Aston University Henry Tapper, founder, Pension PlayPen David Lunt, head of business development, The People’s Pension

W29 – Speak to the experts Elaine Gibson MSc ChFCIPP MCMI FHEA, education director, CIPP Helen Hargreaves MSc ChFCIPPdip , associate director of policy, CIPP Karen Thomson MSc ChFCIPPdip FHEA, director of payroll services, Armstrong Watson LLP Ros Hendren MSc CMgr FCMI dip FCIPPdip FHEA , consultant, Well Paid Consulting Delegates were able to pre-book an appointment to speak to one of the experts one-to-one on topics such as individual Chartered status, their career path, GDPR and the Payroll Assurance Scheme or a topic of their choice.

This session gave delegates the opportunity to discuss current issues on pensions with the panel of experts.

W28 – How the benefits you choose for your reward package can engage your workforce Graham James, head of sales for UK reward, recognition and incentives, Sodexo

W30 – The management skills you don’t get taught about – or how to do the scary stuff Claire Warner MSc FCIPP MBILD, payroll specialist, Payroll and Business Skills

Graham explored rewards in the modern working environment and how choosing the correct package can positively impact the engagement and delivery of your employees. His discussion covered the modern workforce and how it’s changing, inclusivity, and links between reward and engagement.

In this session Claire discussed how it’s possible to learn to become a manager, the resources needed, learning on the job and what happens if you make a mistake.

Conference close

Eira Hammond ChFCIPPdip, CIPP chair and director of Eira Consulting Ltd, brought the CIPP’s 34th Annual Conference and Exhibition to a close, extending thanks to delegates, colleagues, sponsors and exhibitors. Eira looked ahead to the 35th Annual Conference in 2019 which is being held at the Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, Wales.

Prize draw winners

Best tweet “2nd day at brilliant conference and got my special pants on”

CIPP best tweet prize Lisa Reid

CIPP app game prize Julie Aghanti-Akinremi



The CIPP’s Annual Conference & Exhibition

DONT MISS OUT Register your interest for next years’ conference and awards, taking place 2-3 October 2019 at the Celtic Manor Resort, Wales Let’s make 2019 the best year yet .

Delegates of the 2018 conference are eligible to a loyalty rate for 2019 so register now for the reduced price.

The CIPP’s

To register your interest, email or call 0121 712 1013 .



The CIPP’s

Awards’ judges

The CIPP thanks the Awards’ judges for their time and commitment.

Judges are chosen from a variety of industries to reflect the diversity of the payroll and pension professions.

The judges review each nomination online. They allocate a score out of ten based on how well the nomination meets the category criteria. The nomination with the highest overall score receives the award.

Fiona Chamberlain FCIPP North Bristol NHS Trust

Chris Tidy MCIPPdip Hiscox PLC

CaraWright MCIPPdip St George’s University of London

Helen Harvey MCIPPdip Zinnia Payroll Consultants Ltd

Amber Ainsley Pritchard Reward Strategy

RichardGarth HMRC

John Stonestreet ChMCIPPdip Essex Police and Kent Police

Paul Floyd Sainsbury’s Supermarket Ltd

SarahMcKellar ACIPP Standard Chartered Bank

Pete Statham MSc FCIPP City Football Club

Vicki Evans MCIPPdip Associated British Foods plc

“Tonight’s shortlisted nominees are those who are innovating within their organisations, finding new ways of engaging employees and raising the profile of the profession. Good luck to all of you.”

Ken Pullar FCIPP, CIPP chief executive officer

Award categories for 2018

● Manager of the year ● Newcomer of the year ● In-house payroll team of the year ● Project of the year ● Wellbeing and employment engagement award ● My biggest influencer ● Software product of the year ● International service provider of the year ● Payroll service provider of the year

Awarded by the CIPP board of directors ● Working partnership award ● Honorary fellowship for pensions ● Honorary fellowship for payroll ● Lifetime achievement for pensions ● Lifetime achievement for payroll ● Special award for services to payroll

The CIPP’s Annual Excellence Awards 2018

On the evening of Thursday 11 October 2018, payroll and pension professionals donned formal attire to attend the CIPP’s Annual Excellence Awards held at the Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hotel.

The CIPP’s awards are the industry’s most prestigious awards for individuals and organisations that have had a positive impact on the payroll, pension and reward professions over the last 12 months. It was a night filled with glitz, glamour and glory as the Institute recognised all the hard work of individuals, teams and organisations that were nominated this year.

After the sumptuous meal, Ken Pullar, CIPP chief executive officer, welcomed everyone to the awards, and spoke briefly on the success of the Annual Conference and Exhibition and National Payroll Week.

Vickie Graham, CIPP’s associate director of marketing and membership, took over proceedings and thanked the awards’ sponsors and the judges for their work in short-listing and selecting the winners. Vickie provided brief comments about the evening’s after-dinner speaker Alistair McGowan and welcomed him to the stage. Alistair has had an extensive career in almost every area of entertainment. He started his career by providing voices for the iconic Spitting Image and since then has worked extensively in television, theatre and radio. He is famed for his impressions and is, perhaps, best known to audiences for BAFTA-winning The Big Impression . Alistair is also a favourite on our screens featuring on Mock the Week and Live at the Apollo , to name but a few. He continues to delight audiences with an ever-changing range of impressions.

Alistair amused the Awards attendees with numerous impressions and quips which he continued to deliver during the presentation of the awards.

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Payroll Assurance Scheme and Payroll Quality Partnership 2018

TheChartered Institute ofPayrollProfessionals Payroll Quality Partnership

● Bromford Housing Group Ltd ● Bupa UK Payroll Services

● National Assembly for Wales ● Rowley’s Chartered Accountants ● Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd ● Sunrise Senior Living ● The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals ● The Crown Prosecution Service ● Voyonic Crewing Ltd ● West Midlands Fire Service ● Yorkshire Water Services Limited

● Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council ● Education Personnel Management ● FMP Payroll Services ● Fourth Ltd ● Gap Personnel ● Hodgsons, Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors ● Liverpool City Council ● Midland Heart Ltd Manager of the year award 2018 Presented by: Carsten Staehr FCIPP, Cintra HR & Payroll Services The judges commented that our manager of the year “… clearly uses their expertise to not only enhance their team, but also to introduce processes which have made improvements to their organisation. This was evidenced through a 350% reduction in enquiries between the shared service centre and local offices.”

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A colleague commented: “[She is] always challenging us to ensure we deliver 100% accuracy and an exceptional service. This, in turn, encourages her teams to match this level of service.”

Awarded to: Sharon Tayfield MCIPPdip, BDO LLP

“To be awarded ‘Manager of the year’ is a highlight of my career and I feel both honoured and humbled. I would like to thank the CIPP for the continuous support they provide to payroll professionals.”

Sharon Tayfield MCIPPdip, BDO LLP

Shortlisted: Allison Little ACIPP, Armstrong Watson LLP; Amy Johnson MCIPPdip, Armstrong Watson LLP; Rona Betts MCIPP, Aster Group; Aideen Murphy, Intelligo Software Limited; Gemma Burrows and Lisa Earnshaw, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust; Katie Sharpe, Saffery Champness LLP

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Newcomer of the year award 2018 Presented by: Gemma Creamer, The Portfolio Group The future of payroll is very topical and that future will be influenced by those entering the profession. For that reason, the CIPP introduced this award to recognise those who have demonstrated real passion for the profession and made a noticeable impact in their short career.

The judges dubbed this person a “payroll manager of the future and a deserving recipient of this award”.

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Awarded to: Adam Ellison, Cintra HR & Payroll Services Ltd

Shortlisted: Nicole Hagan-Kidd ACIPP, Armstrong Watson LLP; Aisling Murray, Intelligo Software Limited

In-house payroll team of the year award 2018

Presented by: Simon Puryer, i-Realise

Team work is crucial to the success of any business. Employees should all be working towards one overall goal otherwise the organisation will fail. The winning team has demonstrated excellent commitment to public service and to achieving cost-savings and process-improvements, particularly reducing overpayments. Judges commented that: “it was an outstanding submission with training at the heart of the department and that the winning team had raised the profile of payroll leading to payroll staying in-house!”

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Awarded to: Payroll and Benefits Team,Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust

“To win this award is a fantastic achievement and to have my team recognised by our peers makes the award very special.”

Karen Beckett BA (Hons) ChFCIPP, head of payroll and benefits, Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust

Shortlisted: Adecco Group UK & Ireland Payroll Team; Leeds and Salford Quays Payroll Team, Bupa; HR Delivery, Cantium Business Solutions; Finance Operations: Payroll Team, Department for International Development; Midland Heart Payroll Team; Sanctuary Group Payroll Team; Vertas Group Payroll Team

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Project of the year award 2018

Presented by: Mito Mackin, NGA Human Resources

Automation is something which we are hearing more and more of in payroll processing, and the winning ‘project of the year’ has utilised automation, increasing accuracy and saving the organisation time and money as a result. The judges were particularly impressed with the portal transfer of data, leading to better GDPR compliance.

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Awarded to: Armstrong Watson LLP, ‘Project Bostick’

“Me and my team are absolutely thrilled to have won this award and thank the judges for their time.  This award was so special as it didn’t just involve payroll but our IT specialists as well and show-cases when payroll collaborates with other colleagues, the world is your oyster! 

Getting recognition for payroll projects is always an accolade to a payroll professional but getting it from my professional body, well, you can’t beat it!”

Karen Thomson MSc CHFCIPPdip, payroll director, Armstrong Watson LLP

Shortlisted: activpayroll; Cambridge Commodities Ltd; Cantium Business Solutions Limited; Gails Bakery; JD Sports; Global Payroll Team, NES Global Talent; Orbis Payroll & Robotics Teams; Park Plaza UK Payroll Team; UPP Group HR Team

Wellbeing and employee engagement of the year award 2018

Presented by: Michelle Dawkins, Workday

This award recognises organisations that are aligning themselves to a wider corporate agenda and improving the well-being of their workforce.


This year’s winner demonstrated how their health and well-being strategy was linked to the overall strategy and success of the organisation. They have invested time in reviewing and applying the outcomes of their employee surveys and measuring their success.

One of the judges commented: “Really proactive approach to well-being. Rather than just talking about it or doing odd days here and there, they have implemented a real strategy.”

Awarded to: Ceridian Europe Ltd

Shortlisted: Cintra HR & Payroll Services; SD Worx

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My biggest influencer award 2018

Presented by: Melissa Goddard, SD Worx

Most of us have someone who has made a real difference to our professional career and the CIPP recognises these people through this award.

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Our winner spotted potential in a young team member early on and has spent time encouraging that person through training, coaching and giving advice. The team member was given opportunities and encouraged to take on wider projects to gain experience and knowledge.

The nominator stated: “They are an inspirational manager. In turn, I am now passing on my knowledge to my team members and encouraging them, in the same way, to learn more and change their thinking as a newly-appointed payroll manager. Together we are building one heck of a strong payroll team.”

Awarded to: Michelle Whitehead ACIPP, Adecco UK & Ireland

Highly commended: Kay Followell MCIPP, Sopra Steria Ltd

Shortlisted: Karen Thomson MSc ChFCIPP FHEA, Armstrong Watson LLP; Nadine Hill, BDO LLP; Lynn Curtis ACIPP, CHP; Lisa Kennery MCIPPdip, Pierce CA Ltd; Lisa Earnshaw, Rotherham Doncaster and South Humber NHS Foundation Trust; Michelle Tracy, Wine & Spirit Education Trust

Software product of the year award 2018

Presented by: Jason Ormston, Cloudpay

The recipient of this award demonstrated that they are committed to delivering a simple, compliant web-based system. Employees are provided with an app to provide access to payslips, P60s and other information, as well as a self-service portal which enables them to update and maintain their personal details. The judges were particularly impressed by the reporting suite and the fact that the provider saw a gap in the market and filled it with a specifically-tailored product.

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Awarded to: Edupay by Orovia Ltd

“This award is a testament to the hard work of our team and collaboration with our customers and a tremendous accolade. We’ve built EduPay from the ground up, breaking away from traditional payroll models to create a product specifically for the education sector…”

Beth Clark, marketing manager, Orovia Education Ltd

Shortlisted: Megapay, Intelligo Software Limited; IRIS Payroll Business; ResourceLink, NGA Human Resources; Payslip; Selenity Expenses; Xero Payroll

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International payroll service provider of the year award 2018 Presented by: Mike Nicholas MCIPP, Professional in Payroll, Pensions and Reward This year’s winner has demonstrated that it provides a comprehensive, global payroll solution. The judges were impressed with the robust training programme and staff evaluations as well as

in Payroll, Pensions & Reward PROFESSI NAL

the training delivered to customers. One judge commented “Whilst their high-end technology is a clear winner, it is their human aspect and understanding of the global domain that stands out.”

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Awarded to: Neeyamo Inc

“We are thrilled to be recognised by the CIPP for our ability to provide innovative solutions to our customers. As global as possible and as local as needed – Neeyamo has pioneered various ground- breaking innovations in the HR space with the latest being our global payroll hyperloop framework.”

Samuel Isaac, vice president strategy and head of global marketing, Neeyamo Inc

Highly commended: activpayroll Shortlisted: Global Payroll Services, BDO LLP; NES Global Talent; SD Worx

Payroll service provider of the year award 2018

Presented by: Neil Hollister, Learn Payroll/Payroll Alliance

The winner submitted a very strong nomination, demonstrating service improvements through effective client-engagement and

employee-training programmes. The judges said they particularly liked the new starter induction and training packages tailored to client needs; and they were impressed with the ‘buddy’ programme and the two-call ring-time on the employee helpline.

PayrollAlliance Learn Payroll

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Awarded to: Intelligo Software Limited

“We were delighted to be shortlisted alongside such strong contenders, so to win is the icing on the cake. This award represents the culmination of the energy, hard work and commitment of the whole Intelligo team.”

Padraig Gill, director, Intelligo Software Limited

Highly commended: SD Worx

Shortlisted: activpayroll; Armstrong Watson LLP; Bishop Fleming Payroll Services; Schools’ Personnel Service,; Cantium Business Solutions Limited; EPM; FMP Global; Garbutt + Elliott; NGA Human Resources; PW Payroll Solutions Ltd; Saffery Champness LLP; We Payroll Services Limited

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Working partnership award 2018

Gifted by the CIPP policy team

Presented by: Helen Hargreaves MSc ChFCIPPdip, CIPP

The CIPP policy team are big believers in the adage ‘no knowledge is ever wasted’ and we regularly look to our members and others to be a powerful source of such knowledge. This member demonstrates the finest qualities in that they are experienced, knowledgeable and always open to working collaboratively for the benefit of the industry we serve.

Gifted by

Awarded to: Neil Tonks ChMCIPPdip, MHR Ltd

“I was surprised and honoured to receive this award. The relationship I have with the CIPP is very much two-way and I’m always glad to be able to help when I can.”

Neil Tonks CHMCIPPdip, MHR Ltd

Special award for services to payroll 2018

Gifted posthumously by the CIPP board of directors to: Martyn Faulkner

Martyn started his career in payroll as a junior at Stockport Council, moving on to Trafford Council as a team leader and later as a payroll manager. In 1992, he moved from local government to the private sector, where he worked for Hartshead Limited to set up a payroll bureau, moving to Aon in 1998 as UK payroll manager. In 2003, he started his own consultancy company, which gave him the opportunity to work with a variety of clients until retirement in 2016.

Martyn was a member of the Association of Payroll and Superannuation Administrators (APSA) from 1982, later becoming a fellow. APSA merged with the Institute of British Payroll Managers in 1998 and is what is now known as the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (CIPP). From those early days he had been involved in supporting and developing many members and students, taking roles as an author for examinations, tutor, examiner and a trainer. In addition to his work for the CIPP, Martyn was one of the inaugural committee members of the Electronic Exchange with Government User Network, as well as being a member of various government forums during his career. As a vocal member of the payroll community, he was heavily involved in discussions and debates on some of the recent changes to our profession, such as automatic enrolment and real time information. Martyn was a real advocate and ambassador for the payroll profession, and has influenced change and development within the profession, be that through his involvement in government consultations, or through his work with the CIPP to develop the skills and knowledge of payroll professionals throughout their careers. His presence within the payroll community will be missed.

Martyn passed away on 27 August 2018, but it is with great pride that we recognise him with this award.

Gifted by

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Honorary fellowship awards 2018 The honorary fellowship is granted to those who have spent their careers furthering the industry. They have made significant contributions to both the profession and to the CIPP during the course of their career.

Gifted by

This year, we award honorary fellowship to two individuals.

Awarded to: Shaun Tetley FCIPP

Shaun has been involved with the CIPP, payroll and pensions for more than 20 years and has previously been recognised by the policy team for their work in ensuring that the LGPS and teacher’s pension scheme transitioned through automatic enrolment. He is the current chair of the public sector specialist interest group and is a regular speaker at CIPP, and other industry events, including this year’s Annual Conference.

Awarded to: Carsten Staehr FCIPP

Carsten is an avid supporter of the CIPP and, although can be described as the life and soul of a party, has a very serious side and works hard to ensure that the wider public understand what payroll and pensions professionals have to offer. He also speaks at many industry events and is constantly working hard to promote the profession. He has been recognised in Reward Strategy’s Top 300 for the past three years and has received many recommendations from people who have worked with him based on his unrelenting passion and commitment to payroll and customer service and to ensuring every detail is covered.

“So proud and humbled to be named honorary fellow of the CIPP – I was actually lost for words for the first time in a very long time”

Carsten Staehr FCIPP

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Lifetime achievement award 2018 – payroll

Gifted by the CIPP board of directors

The recipient of this award uses his experience in software tools to help payroll professionals navigate through automatic enrolment. His background is the music industry, moving from vinyl to digital, adapted to pensions and automatic enrolment.

He regularly brings together like-minded payroll and pension professionals to discuss the future; standing still is not in his vocabulary. The payroll industry owes a lot to this individual for his innovative systems that have made payroll stand out at the forefront of automatic enrolment, thus raising the payroll profile.

Gifted by

Awarded to: Will Lovegrove, SystemSync Solutions

Lifetime achievement award 2018 – pensions

Gifted by the CIPP board of directors

This individual has championed the cause and campaigned tirelessly on behalf of workers and families when their employer’s pension schemes have failed.

She has also campaigned against injustices in state pensions and legislation relating to annuities and drawn attention to the inadequacies of the social care system.

Gifted by

Through her work before, during and since her appointment as minister of state, she has without doubt been the most influential campaigner for fairness in pensions. She thoroughly deserves this recognition and thanks.

Awarded to: Baroness Ros Altmann

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Thank you to our Conference and Awards' sponsors

Headline sponsor


PayrollAlliance Learn Payroll

has kindly sponsored the Conference app

has kindly sponsored the refreshments

has kindly sponsored the awards table wine

has kindly sponsored the pensions stream

has kindly sponsored the payroll stream

has kindly sponsored the reward stream

CIPP Goldfinger House, 245 Cranmore Boulevard, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4ZL 0121 712 1000 0121 712 1001 @cipp_uk

The Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals (a company incorporated by Royal Charter) IPP Education Ltd (a subsidiary of the Chartered Institute of Payroll Professionals) Registered No. 3612942 (England) VAT No. 864462406 Registered Address: Goldfinger House, 245 Cranmore Boulevard, Shirley, Solihull, B90 4ZL

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