Annual Conference and Exhibition Souvenir Supplement 2018

Plenary two – Brexit – The clock is ticking, are you ready?

Linda Scott, chief executive officer, West Lothian Chamber of Commerce/director of Scottish Chambers

Linda provided information about the Scottish Chambers, which is involved in many business support services and in regular dialogue with the Scottish and UK governments, and then dived into the issues arising from Brexit.

In outlining the implications for business and how best to prepare, Linda discussed:

● addressing the threats and opportunities of Brexit, including supply chain, routes to market and increasing market share ● addressing currency and how it can affect businesses such as the potential effects of currency fluctuations on business ● identifying and understanding staffing implications of Brexit ● providing insight to the taxation considerations businesses must make.

Plenary three – Motivational session

Kevin House, The Art of Brilliance

This session, at the beginning of day two, was uplifting, motivating and stimulating.

Kevin revealed that in 2006, as an out of control, obese, heavy drinking type 1 diabetic, doctors gave him the ultimatum: change or face the consequences. He’d tried to change many times but had consistently failed. But after reading some of that ‘airy fairy positivity stuff’ Kevin was surprised by the results when he put the ideas into practice.

After running the New York City marathon in 2007, he never looked back. The benefits are incredible: more energy, improved mood, excellent diabetic control and flourishing professionally.

Kevin discussed life satisfaction and the choice to be happy. He introduced the ‘2%ers’ - people who are their best selves the majority of the time.

Delegates learned of the four horsemen of negativity: monotony, tiredness, complexity and news, plus how to overcome the imapct of negative people or ‘mood hoovers’. Kevin illustrated how our behaviour affects those around us with a video of a ‘2%er’ train driver whose on-board announcements changed the mood of the passengers on his train.

Kevin encouraged delegates to make everyday a special pants day.



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