
Pedestrian safety warning from police $0--&$5 * 7 * 5 r  $0..6/ * 5:


remember that winter road conditions means shorter daylight hours and slippery road conditions. Drivers should reduce speed and be alert, ready to stop. Pedestrians should be aware of traffic hazards, wear bright-coloured or reflective clothing to bemore visible in dark or snowy conditions, and use marked intersections for crossing and avoid jaywalking. Stay on sidewalks or road shoulders facing the traffic. Do not assume that drivers can see everything in their path. Also carry a powerful flashlight to both light the way and help make oncoming traffic aware of someone on the side of the road. Motorists involved in an accident should remain inside their vehicle if possible, or else exist when certain it is safe to do so.

An “alarming number” of traffic fatalities involving pedestrians has prompted the OPP to urge bothmotorists and pedestrians to be more aware of road safety rules. The past year saw a 66 per cent increase in the number of pedestrians killed in traffic- related incidents in Ontario compared to 2015. In Eastern Ontario alone 16 traffic fatality cases for the OPP involved pedestrians, half of those cases occurring in early December before the Christmas and NewYear’s holiday period.That figure equals the total number of pedestrian fatalities for Eastern Ontario in 2015. Both motorists and pedestrians much

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Un nombre «alarmant» de morts sur la route impliquant des piétons a incité la Police provinciale de l’Ontario à avertir les automobilistes et les piétons demieux se renseigner quant aux règles de sécurité routière.

Dons pour la banque alimentaire

Le Vision est présentement à la recherche de personnes pour livrer des journaux et circulaires à l’endroit suivant : ROCKLAND ET CLARENCE CREEK flyers in the following location: ROCKLAND AND CLARENCE CREEK The Vision is currently looking for people to deliver newspapers and

CONTACT / CONTACTEZ Jacques Blouin 613-446-6456

Fidèle à son habitude, la compagnie Potvin Construction a remis son don annuel au Centre d’aide de Rockland (Clarence-Rockland). Sur la photo, la représentante de Potvin Construction, Francine Renaud, remet un chèque de 5000 $ au président de la Banque alimentaire de Rockland, Yvon Huppé. —photo Gregg Chamberlain

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