TLMI Releases Operator Hiring Toolkits
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TLMI has recently released two “DIY Hiring Toolkits” as a new workforce resource for association members. The newly completed hiring toolkits are for conven- tional and digital press operators and members can directly access the Toolkits on within the workforce development section of the Engage portal. The press operator toolkits are the first in a series of Toolkits the association will be releasing and are avail- able at a minimal cost to TLMI members. The toolkits include sample job descriptions and job postings, ideal candidate profiles and interview ques- tions specific to the job postings. In the TLMI Engage portal, members will also have access to the DIY Hir- ing Toolkit Template. The template is a free resource and is a starter kit that prepares companies for the specific information collected within each toolkit.The template includes a sample employment application, tips for successful interviewing techniques, an inter- view scoring template, a sample offer letter, sample confidentiality agreement and a four week develop- ment plan. Members can also access an assessment benchmark in Engage to compare their candidates to the ideal candidate profile.
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4 August 5, 2019 Flexo Market News
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