University of Liverpool - Head of Engineering Services Group

Role Purpose and Univers


Responsible for overseeing the work of a team, allocating tasks, monitoring and providingfeedback. Generally guidance and the overall direction of the t its work is supplied by someone else but occasionally may be required to se direction of the team. Planning and Organising Responsible for planning and organising the work of others, managing small and the resources to meet laid down objectives. Assesses and reassesses p required. Occasionally provides input to longer term planning and has respo the operational planninag and organisation of larger projects or areas of wor require the co-ordination of a number of teams. Team Development Occasionally required to instruct, coach and guide new members of staff on information and procedures. Frequently provides training, guidance and fee other members of the team based on their own knowledge and experience, formal or informal basis. Occasionally identifies the training and developmen team members, provides training or development and gives feedback and g overall performance. Pastoral Care and Welfare Occasionally required to provide an appropriate level of sensitivity to others consideration of their needs or feelings especially if dealing with distressed i Occasionally gives advice on commonly occurring welfare issues or queries f standard welfare procedures. At times provides support and guidance on co serious welfare issues where standard procedures do not always exist. Uses to recognise when individuals should be referred elsewhere for professional Work Environment Works in an environment which is relatively stable and has little impact on th holder or the way in which work is completed. However, may at time be requ standard actions within health and safety guidelines to adapt the environme working, taking into account the health and safety of other people. SERVICE PROVISION Teaching and Learning Support Provides students and others who are new to the area with standard informa guidance on procedures. Conducts short one-off training sessions or lecture performance and provides feedback during the event. Service Delivery Initiates contact with students, departments and other customers to explore t to gain feedback and to assess ways in which the service could be better ad meet requirements. Analysis and Research Decides how to conduct investigations as well as analysing and interpreting collected. OTHER Sensory and Physical Demands Required to perform standard tasks which may involve the use of simple tool equipment. Training needed to perform these tasks effectively and safely will in the form of limited instruction including brief demonstration and short peri practice.

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