The Ripple - Edition 3/2021 (Website)

The subsequent module focuses on how to lead by trust and, by doing so, foster psychological safety in teams (and the workplace). The final module devotes itself to the broad spectrum of attitudes and behav- iors observed and experienced on an organizational level. It delves into the issues of mindset and its impact on an organization’s ability to continuously learn, foster creativity and inspire innovation.

. worldwide experts. Our approach offers a simple and elegant manner to bring this know-how into your organization to foster leadership capacity throughout your organization.


© 2021

Our experienced Leadership Enablers work together with organizations to develop custom-designed leadership development initiative from our library of the 100+ Peer-to-Peer Learning modules which have been conceived and written by acknowledge business The two scenarios outlined above are intended to demonstrate the broad spectrum of possibilities for the design of a leadership development initiative which meets the needs of your organization.

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