The Ripple - Edition 3/2021 (Website)

Apple's iPhone 7 Plus innovation story illustrates the increasing need to em- brace new leadership skills and sensibi- lities suitable for a rapidly complex and changing business environment. New leadership capacities need to be championed to collaborate successfully at the network level. Like a dragonfly, leaders need to foster their ability to gain multiple perspec- tives. Dragonflies have two large com- pound eyes, each with thousands of lenses, and three eyes with simple lenses! They are powerful and agile fliers, capable of moving in any direc- tion, and changing direction suddenly. While in flight a dragonfly can propel itself in six directions: upward, down- ward, forward, backward, to the left and to the right. These are great capa- bilities to view the environment while at the same time being able to swoop down to see the individual components as well. Dr. Bruce Oberhardt, a biomedical engineer and entrepreneur, has developed a unique approach to problem solving which was inspired by his encounters with dragonflies. His Dragonfly Thinking approach enables leaders to identify and solve important problems in a creative and highly effective way. without the inclusion of other teams and individuals from various other departments. FROM "BOKEH" PHOTOGRAPHY TO DRAGONFLY THINKING


Ideas are the fuel that make the impossible possible. Bruce Oberhardt

What skills does a leader need to become a "Dragonfly Thinker"?

REPRESENTATION CAPABILITY To be able to capture the multi-facetted nature of an issue. RELATIONAL CAPABILITY To provide a safe zone for everyone involved to say what one thinks. RELECTION CAPABILITY. To have the ability to iterate between different ways of looking at a problem. INTEGRATION CAPABILITY To provide clarity around the purpose of the problem-solving activity.

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