This edition of THE RIPPLE explores what the paradigm of organizational health means to leaders and leadership in the article “One of the most valuable leadership activities is connecting people”. An emergent theme is the importance of the NETWORK. To ensure health in organizations, leadership is needed not only at the level of the individual and at the level of teams, but also at the level of networks. This new paradigm views the role of leadership as central to nurturing healthy organizations. It points to the fact that leaders and leadership devel- opment need to be transformed as well. Healthy organizations are the ones which are able to adapt to changes in their environment. LEARNING is essential to an organization’s ability to adapt .In the articles “Truly great leaders not only learn, they teach others” and “A highly adaptable leadership development process to champion leadership skills” novel ways of developing leadership are presented. The articles explore the concept of leaders as learners and teachers. If learning is central to the health of an organization, leaders need to lead by the power of their example. In the fast-paced VUCA world in which we all live and work, leadership devel- opment no longer can acquiesce to workshops taking place in a hotel venue away from the workplace. Leadership development needs to take place with
real teams which are facing real issues in real time. The cutting-edge approach LEADERSHIP SPRINTS rises to the challenges of our VUCA world. The article “Leadership Sprints re-define how and where leadership development should take place” describes how this process is implemented in the critical zones of an organization where value is created. Lastly, the issue of TRUST is addressed in the article “Deliberately developmental organizations focus on culture”. The level of trust in an organization is the ultimate measure of an organization’s health. In the article, the steps which are needed to ensure that all members of the organi- zation can contribute to the best of their abilities are considered. A new world is dawning and its contours are becoming clearer with each passing day. The wicked affliction of the Covid-19 pandemic has also opened up emerging worlds of opportunity. Today leaders around the world are called upon to create healthier teams, departments and organizations and in so doing, cultivate and realize a healthier world.
I wish you enjoyable and insightful reading or listening to our podcast!
Chief Enabling Officer
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