Absolute Comedy a hit
RUSSELL| One of Russell High School’s most successful fundraising methods recently has been to host a comedy evening,andAbsoluteComedyonMarch
3was another great evening. OrganizerJoanneGilessaidthecrowdof just under 200 people was slightly smaller than last year but given all the events in
Russellrecently,includingtheCatholichigh school’sproductionofAndThenThereWere None the same night, it was “not a bad turnout at all.” Fundsraisedweren’tallcountedyet,but Gilessaidtheyknowtheyhaveenoughmoney raised to keep the Breakfast for Learning programrunningfortherestofthisyear,and possiblythebeginningofnextyear.Theyare also recipients of the Scotiabankmatching fundsprogram,andwillbereceivingacheque from the bank. Gilesthankedallthevolunteersinvolved andalltheattendeeswhohadfun,aswellas theveryfunnycomedians.“Therewerealot of smiling faces.” Retrouvez Le Reflet -The News sur
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