
Une autre guignolée réussie pour le Club Optimiste Embrun

Le Club Optimiste Embrun tenait sa guignolée annuelle le dimanche 6 décembre dernier. Des membres du club ont fait le tour du village avant de ramasser des denrées qui serviront à confectionner les paniers de Noël qui seront distribués le 19 décembre prochain. La journée s’est bien déroulée, a expliqué un des responsables, Stéphane Gougeon, alors que la température était de la partie et la participation était au rendez-vous.

communautaire Le lien community link The Bourget Le Comptoir familial Le Partage de Bourget tient une vente du 3 au 19 dé- cembre sur les vêtements pour adultes et les vêtements pour enfants de 0 à 16 ans. Veuillez noter également que le Comptoir sera fermé pour la période des Fêtes, du 23 décembre au 6 janvier. Embrun 50 ans + : Joignez-vous au Club 60 tous les mardis en après-midi. Jeux de cartes, bingo et autres. Repas copieux à coût modique offert le 2 e mardi dumois. Information : Jacques, 613-764-7350, ou Cécile, 613-764-5784. Limoges Dames bénévoles offrent une fois de plus de faire vos tourtières pour les Fêtes. Commandes : Lisette Bergeron, 613-443- 5514, Lise Giroux, 613-443-3495, Huguette Vallières, 613-443-5575. Plantagenet Le Whist militaire annuel des Filles d’Isabelle aura lieu à la Salle commu- nautaire de l’endroit, le dimanche 6mars 2016 prochain à 13 h. Pour y prendre part, Marie-Paule Carrière, 613-673-5920, ou Françoise Vincent, 613-673-2669. Russell Mary’s Anglican Church will offer a free Christmas dinner on December 19, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Open to all in the community. Eat-in, Take-out or De- livered (Russell, Embrun and surround- ing area). If you are a family, a senior, ill, grieving, struggling, lonely, or new to the area, please join us. Information: Janice, 613-370-0555. Living Locally Fair, Jan. 16, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at St.Thomas Aquinas Catholic High School, 1211 South Russell Road. Free admission but donations to the food bank welcome at the door. Hosted by the Russell & District Horticultural Society. Details at

Warden Kirby hands off the gavel


Before he signed off on the last bit of pape- rwork he will have to do this year as warden for the United Counties of Prescott-Russell, Robert Kirby had a few thank-yous to pass on to his fellow mayors and the counties staff. «I couldn’t have done it without you,» he said, before adjourning the Nov. 25 regular session of council. Next month during an evening inaugura- tion ceremony for the 2016 counties council, Kirby will hand over the warden’s gavel, chain of office, and duties to his successor for next year, Mayor Guy Desjardins of the City of Clarence-Rockland. «It was a great year,» Kirby said during an interview following the end of the last November Wednesday council session. One of the highlights, he noted, was being able to provide each member municipal- ity of United Counties of Prescott-Russell

Robert Kirby signs off the last documents that will need his signature as warden of the United Counties of Prescott-Russell. The mayor of East Hawkesbury Township’s last official warden duty will be to hand over the chain of office and gavel to his successor, Mayor Guy Desjardins of Clarence-Rockland, during the mid-December inaugural meeting for the 2016 counties council.

13 000 COPIES Publié le jeudi par • Published on Thursday by: La Compagnie d’édition André Paquette Inc. Imprimé par • Printed by: Imprimerie Prescott et Russell, Hawkesbury, ON # convention : 0040012398

(UCPR) with some extra money for their own budgets with the cancellation of the ecoLarose project. The counties had set aside in a special re- serve fund $2million as its share for the eco- Larose project, on the assumption that the federal and provincial governments would partner with the UCPR on the proposed natural history research and interpretive centre and conference hall. When both se- nior levels of government in the end passed on the opportunity, the counties council decided against returning the $2 million to the UCPR’s capital reserve, and voted instead to redistribute the money among the eight municipalities for use on their infrastructure and other needs. “A lot of the municipalities are having a hard time,” Kirby said. Kirby will resume his seat on counties council as the mayoral representative for East Hawkesbury Township.

BERTRAND CASTONGUAY Président • President ROGER DUPLANTIE Directeur Général • General Manager FRANÇOIS LEGAULT Directeur • Director FRANÇOIS BÉLAIR

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