This an overview of Your Crescendo's Leadership on Purpose program. It includes: -About Your Crescendo -Opening Letter from Reggie Hammond -Finding Your Forte Program -What We Deliver -Why Purpose Matters For Organizations, Leaders and Professionals -The Business Case for Talent / Leaders on Purpose -How We Help -Biography -Our Leadership Coaches -What Clients Say
Executive Coaching and Leadership Development Leadership on Purpose
For organizations that aspire to empower leadership purpose and impact and experience the performance benefits thereof.
Our talent and leadership landscape has evolved substantially Organizations that get out in front of this evolution will win the war for the best talent. Our workforce is demanding new levels of connectedness to answer deep, introspective questions like “Why am I here? What is my impact?” Exchanging work in a job for a paycheck is no longer enough. The best talent wants to know ‘how do I bring my best to serve not only my own purpose but the aligned missions and purpose of the team and company?’ And detrimental consequences hang in the balance as organizations work to get this right. This calls organizations to invest in their leaders and talent in new ways. They now need to know what inspires them to bring the best they have to offer and connect it to their company mission and strategy – or they risk losing their best leaders, disengaging an emerging millennial workforce and perhaps underperforming in the market. The sobering reality is that companies that aren’t actively igniting purpose for their leaders and talent are slowly losing their connection, engagement and inspired performance in ways that don’t show up in exit interviews and employee satisfaction surveys. The good news is that there are good consequence opportunities in reach as well. Intentional programs to discover, affirm and activate purpose within organizations have much to gain in growth, performance and leadership for leaders and talent. We welcome the opportunity to help companies tap into this power source for motivation, trajectory and performance. We are committed to a mission to get the world on purpose. We’d like that to include your organization and leaders.
crescendo n. (kre-shen-do)
1 a gradual increase; specifically: a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage 2 the peak of a gradual increase.
Your Crescendo is your growth. Your increase in volume. Your peak. We find it highly appropriate to carry the name of what we are commited to. Your Crescendo.
About Your Crescendo We are on a mission is to empower
purpose and impact for leaders and talent in their business performance, leadership and careers.
Reggie Hammond, Founder and Managing Partner Launched 2011
Career Highlights Launched Your Crescendo in 2011 Launched Atlanta Office of Exervio Management Consulting serving The Coca-Cola Company and AT&T
Senior Manager at Accenture
Reggie Hammond Your Crescendo
Passion Empowering others performance through their gifts and purpose
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Why Purpose Matters
What’s In It for Leaders, Talent and their Companies?
Pursuit of purpose is a powerful and compelling approach to drive: ¡ Sense of direction and career path clarity for leaders and emerging, high- performing talent ¡ Engagement for talent to bring their most inspired presence to their work ¡ Individual and collective insights for organizations to make talent and leadership decisions regarding optimal roles, performance and contribution ¡ Alignment with company strategy to give everyone a compelling ‘why’
The Business Case for Purpose in Leaders/Talent There is compelling empirical evidence to support how Finding Your Forte can help drive your key objectives to attract, develop and retain emerging leadership talent.
ATTRACT (Talent and Leader Acquisition) According to a new survey from CareerBuilder, employers estimate that, on average, they lose more than $14,000 for every job that stays vacant for three months or longer, and 1 in 6 companies say they lose $25,000 or more.
$14k for every unfilled need that’s over 3 months old
Between 9% and 32% better retention through leadership development
Actively Engaged
Not Engaged
Actively Disngaged
DEVELOP Every year of delaying leadership development costs the typical organization an amount equal to 7% of their total annual sales.
70% of leaders / workers are not engaged in their work or career.
“Two vital steps to fixing your employee engagement problem. ¡ Focus on purpose ¡ Connect to the bottom line” - Kevin Cope, “Seeing the Big Picture: Business Acumen to Build Your Credibility, Career, and Company” “If you can hire people whose passion intersects with the job, they won’t require supervision at all. They will manage themselves better than anyone could ever manage them. Their fire comes from within, not from without.”
Employee Retention • Between 9% and 32% of an organization’s voluntary turnover can be avoided through leadership development. • 50% replacement cost (between 30% and 250% of annual salary) Customer Satisfaction • Better leadership can generate a 3 to 4% improvement in customer satisfaction scores • 1.5% increase in revenue growth
SOURCE: Making the Business Case for Leadership Development
RETAIN Gallup has estimated that employee disengagement costs the overall US economy as much as $350 billion every year or at least $2,246 per disengaged employee.
More than 60% of millennials leaving their company in less than three years
- Stephen Covey
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Finding Your Forte
“We are all here for a purpose. And our businesses, our careers, our teams and the organizations we serve are at their best when we serve that purpose through our work. Our greatest challenge is that most don’t make knowing that purpose a priority. Further, we have gifts, passions and motivations specifically designed to serve that purpose. When you’re not fulfilled or struggle to perform or lose motivation, it’s usually because one or more of these elements is not being utilized. We have developed the Finding Your Forte approach to make it easy for anyone to discover or amplify this purpose. We most want to empower the natural success we are all equipped to have and that includes you”
- Reggie Hammond, Founder and Managing Partner, Your Crescendo
for·tay (fôr ′ tā ′ , fôrt) n. 1 Something in which a person excels. 2 A passage that is loud and played with force or is marked to be so.
What is Your Forte?
Your Forte is where your leader or organization’s strengths and gifts meet your passions in a way that rewards you and serves your purpose to bring about your greatest impact. In other words, your purpose if fulfilled by doing 1 -what you love, 2 -what you’re good at in a way that 3 -rewards you
Your Forte Needs a Plan
Why You Need Your Forte
Stronger business and career performance
Leadership from Your Strength
Engagement and Fulfillment
Your Most Organic Success
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
How We Find Your Forte
products launched
breakthroughs mobile solutions
cost reduced
IMPACT revenue business performance improved strategies mindfulness leaders empowered
lives improved youth developed leaders developed
dollars innovations
PASSION What you love to do
business development
problems solved
health improved change managed millennials
profits projects delivered
technology deployed
STRENGTHS What you're really good at
MOTIVATIONS What rewards you
Career Placement Business Launch Go to Market Strategy Promotion Readiness and Planning
Branding Speaker, Author Leadership Development
IMPACT Revenue Profits Lives Improved Projects Delivered Health Improved
Breakthroughs Change Managed Strategies Dollars Problems Solved
Performance Improved
Program Design and Structure (can be customized)
Executive / Leadership Coaching
Peer Group Coaching
Duration: 6 months Weekly Sessions - 60 - 90 minutes per session
Duration: 2 - 6 months Peer Group Size: 5 - 8 Weekly Sessions - 60 - 90 minutes per session
Phase 1 - Find Your Forte - Month 1 • Assessments & Diagnostics with debriefs
Phase 1 - Find Your Forte - Sessions 1 and 2 • Assessments & Diagnostics with debriefs
Phase 2 - Compose Your Masterpiece - Month 2 • Purpose Discovery / Affirmation | Determine Vision with Goals and Action Items Phase 3 - Play Your Crescendo - Months 3 - 6 • Option to move to bi-weekly sessions • Execution of plan with coaching, Connect to Resources and Experts
Phase 2 - Compose Your Masterpiece - Sessions 3 and 4 • Purpose Discovery / Affirmation | Determine Vision with Goals and Action Items Phase 3 - Play Your Crescendo - Sessions 5 Forward • Execution of plan with coaching, Connect to Resources and Experts
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
About Your Crescendo
Our Mission
To ignite and empower PURPOSE and its pursuit in organizations, teams and individuals through intentional vision and strategy articulation that best brings about their impact.
A Moving Performance
To bring its most inspired performance, a symphony must have talented musicians that are at their best, well rehearsed and all engaged on the experience it is looking to inspire for its audience.
Our mission is to orchestrate an inspired performance for maestros, instrument sections and musicians to bring their best performance.
Our Founder and Managing Partner
Leadership on Purpose ¡ Leadership Development ¡ Executive / Leadership Coaching Leaders
Finding Your Forte ¡ Business and/or Career Coaching Individuals
Reggie Hammond launched Your Crescendo 10 years ago to empower purpose in organizations, leaders and teams. This work includes roles as an executive coach, facilitator of strategic plans, placement resource and high performing team builder. His experience also include two decades as a management consultant, both in a global firm, Accenture, and as a start- up executive who launched the Atlanta office of a boutique consulting firm.
Finding Your Forte ¡ Strategic Planning Facilitation
Building High Performing Teams ¡ Team Retreats ¡ Forums ¡ Eliminating Five Dysfunctions of a Team Finding Your Forte ¡ Strategic Articulation ¡ Grow-To-Market Strategy ¡ Peer Group Coaching ¡ Speaker Series
Placement on Purpose ¡ Talent Acquisition • Full-Time Roles
• Consultants and Contractors
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
How We Help
Delivery Options
Finding Your Forte is designed as a core program that can be adapted and delivered in a variety of channels.
Finding Your Forte can be delivered through three facilitation approaches that have varying audience size (speaker facilitator-to-participant ratio and engagement levels.
Peer Group Coaching Engagement and Impact: Deep to Moderate Participant Size: 5 - 8
Engagement Highlights and Examples Building High Performing Teams • AT&T Corporate Real Estate • Portfolio Management • StrengthsFinder • Equifax Legal • Posse Foundation • Fulton County School Systems Communications Team Executive Coaching for Leadership • E-Trade • Coca-Cola Enterprises • Turner Broadcasting • Newell-Rubbermaid • Annie E. Casey Foundation • Kate’s Club • National Black MBA Association Group Coaching • Turner ATOM Womens’ Essentials - Finding Your Forte • Atlanta Public Schools - Program and Project Management - Team Retreat Speaker / Moderator / Facilitator • Accenture African- American • Executive Group • Deloitte Womens’ Affinity Group • UNUM Group Project Manager Forum
Executive / Leadership Coaching Engagement and Impact: Deep Participant Size: 1 to 1
Webinar Engagement and Impact: Varies / Light Participant Size: Technology Limited
Speaker / Facilitator Engagement and Impact: Moderate to Light Participant Size: 12 – 200
Modules ¡ Finding Your Forte: Overview – How it Works ¡ Gifts and Strengths on Purpose (StrengthsFinder Coach) ¡ From Passions to Purpose (Passions Assessment) ¡ Motivations (Motivations Matrix) ¡ Purpose Discovery (Purpose Assessment) ¡ Leadership on Purpose (Wiley: Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership 360) ¡ Personal Branding (360Reach Personal Branding Survey)
Optional / Leadership Modules: ¡ Leadership Development through Strategic Communications (ASCEND) ¡ Five Dysfunctions Virtues of a Team (Team Dynamics) ¡ Optimizing the Performance of A, B and C Players ¡ Strategic Articulation Mapping (Vision – Mission – Headline Metrics – Differentiators – Strategic Initiatives)
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Professional Biography
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Leadership Coaches
Leadership Coach Options
Coaching and Leadership Profile
Career Highlights
YOUR CRESCENDO • Founder and Managing Partner
Reggie Hammond is committed to his mission to help leaders, teams and organizations live their purpose in their projects, business, careers and lives. He uses this approach to help leaders drive purpose and engagement in their teams and organizations.
EXERVIO MANAGEMENT CONSULTING • Vice President, Atlanta Office
Reggie Hammond
ACCENTURE • Senior Manager, Business Process Excellence and Business Case Delivery
Jodie Charlop works with both emerging leaders and senior executives (SVP to C-suite). She especially enjoys working with leaders who are transforming from “producer” to leader because it’s the powerful turn in creating their leadership brand. She is usually coaching professionals who are ready to control their career future. Angela King Smith is a highly accomplished and results-driven leader with a distinguished track record leading high-level strategic planning and large change initiatives for educational and corporate sectors. She is Gallup Strengths-Finder certified and often coaches Your Crescendo Finding Your Forte clients to understand their Strengths and connect them to their purpose. Jennifer Hale has more than 20 years of experience working with leaders, managers and teams in some of the world’s most notable organizations. Recent clients include The Coca-Cola Company, AT&T, Assurant, Ingersoll Rand and Cox Communications. She continues to deliver speaking engagements on culture transformation and leadership development internationally.
POTENITAL MATTERS • Leadership Coach
Jodie Charlop
EMORY UNIVERSITY • Executive Career Coach
YOUR CRESCENDO • StrengthsFinder Coach
ATLANTA PUBLIC SCHOOLS • Chief Strategy Officer
THE NORTH HIGHLAND COMPANY • Senior Manager - Change Management, Organizational Effectiveness and Human Capital
Angela Smith
The HALE GROUP (previously known as ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT, INC) • President
Jennifer Hale
ASSURANT • Senior Vice President of People & Culture
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Leadership Coach Options
Coaching and Leadership Profile
Career Highlights
Jwyanza Watt is a highly regarded operations and delivery leader with over 20 years of business transformation and continuous improvement experience. He has a natural disposition and gift for coaching that he has brought to his passion for developing leaders and talent through coaching. He is a charismatic leader passionate about inspiring colleagues - peers, direct reports and supported leadership. Jwyanza has delivered individual and peer group coaching through the Finding Your Program and specializes is helping leaders understand how they are motivated.
YOUR CRESCENDO • Finding Your Forte Coach • Motivations Specialist
AT&T • Vice President
Jwyanza Watt
KAPPA FOUNDATION • Director of Leadership Development
KENNING ASSOCIATES • Leadership / Executive Coach
Laurie Burkland Waller has been helping leaders and organizations grow, transform, and thrive for more than twenty years. She is driven by a passion for partnering with clients to optimize performance and realize potential.
BURKLAND WALLER • Leadership/Executive Coach & Management Consultant ACCENTURE/ANDERSEN CONSULTING • Change Management Consultant
Laurie Burkland Waller
Gerald Maye is a leadership coach with 23 years of leadership experience in federal law enforcement. He is a highly regarded, dependable, and effective advisor and educator. With his extensive knowledge, experience and wisdom, he has honed his key strengths in guiding and motivating people, providing strategic advisory support, management of critical operations and programs, designing policies and guidelines, and building effective teams through his leadership. He is a certified Wiley Leadership Practices Coach on the Five Exemplary Leadership Practices.
EACH ONE LEAD • Leadership Coach
OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL • Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, Washington, DC • Associate Inspector General for Investigations
Gerald Maye
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Hear from Our Rockstars
We asked a writer to talk to our clients to share thoughts and perspectives on their experience with Your Crescendo. Here are excerpts from what they had to say.
We spent our initial meetings talking about who I was, what I enjoyed, my skills and where my specific talents could apply professionally.
EK Carpenter - Senior Management Consultant Peppers and Rogers Group
Through working with Your Crescendo, I gained tremendous insight into the ways I could better my business strategy, and I am doing them better, every day. I’m now continuously motivated to look at my business from all angles
Kay Colson – President, Resource Business Services
As business continues to filter in, our firm has the potential to double its revenue within one year. I owe that to my work with Your Crescendo. Before, I put off creating a plan for my business’ growth and said ‘I’ll do that one day.’ Now, I’m right where I need to be. When we meet one-on-one, our interactions feel more like a conversation. When we’re mapping out the next steps I need to take to accomplish my goals, it feels like a team effort.
Ricky Mitchell – Software Engineer and Development Lead
Through working with Reggie, my sense of professional fulfillment and confirmation that I am in working in the right arena, where a lot of my key strengths are utilized on a daily basis, has certainly improved. His coaching gave me the ability to move forward along my career path, and take control in my role after the acquisition. It also demonstrated to me the importance of setting time aside to think about what I want in my career and how I could improve it on a regular basis
Patka Ward – Senior Project Manager Perficient (at AT&T)
Your Crescendo first helped me connect with a broader purpose for myself. You have to be as authentic and open-minded as possible when contemplating big questions like ‘What do you want your life to be about?’ I had to put formality aside and open myself to the experience of finding my purpose.
Rodney Jordan – Deputy Director, Employee Communications Gates Foundation
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
The program has, above all, helped me really establish my ‘compelling why’. I have more than just an understanding of my business and what I’d like to do with it. I know why I’m doing it.
Crystal Davis - Founder and Principal Lean Practitioner The Lean Coach, Inc.
Before working with Reggie, I never thought of myself as a leader. I soon discovered I had great leadership potential. The program pushes you to avoid putting limits on yourself and to think bigger about your career. I realized how I could bring personal uniqueness to benefit any company or organization. Reggie has the uncanny ability to get to the source and the soul of a person as he did with me and really bring that out.I work within.
Marlene Parker – Project Manager Atlanta Public Schools
People always need encouragement and a fresh perspective. Reggie helped me discover my potential and guided me in the right direction. Before the program, my vision was blurry, as though a cataract developed upon it. Post-program, that cloudiness has been removed.
Keasha Copeland – Project Manager Atlanta Public Schools
Your Crescendo is just wonderful. By working with Reggie, I discovered my talent for leadership, that I like to lead initiatives and that I tend to take ownership in big situations. He really listens, and helped me put the pieces together. I’m glad that we still keep in touch and he continues to encourage me to this day. I plan to work with him again. Reggie first had me fill out a chart about my career choices. Through this tool, I was able to look at the pros and cons of my job, and also answer questions about my dream job. But, more often, we just talked. He’d listen, and at the end of every discussion, he’d always have lots of suggestions. It seemed he was always three steps ahead.
Tia Arzu – Corporate Counsel Google
The program helped me think deeply about my strengths. I was guided to better understand my gifts by putting my passions down on paper. Before, I was constantly trying to see where I would fit best in the world, whereas now, I’ve taken ownership of who I am, who I want to be and what I want to do in my career.
Veronica Maxam – Principal Client Care Consultant Findly Human Capital Consultant
The key component that sets Your Crescendo apart is the absolute passion he brings to his work. When he works with you, he isn’t just doing a job. Reggie motivates you to reach your ‘a-ha’ moment and really create something great for yourself.
Shola Oni - SVP, Sales Process Design & Execution Bank of America
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
Your Crescendo is flexible with their plan and open to changing direction if need be. They were very genuine in that they definitely don’t do what they do for the money, you don’t always get that from a third party that comes into a challenging situation. To this day, Reggie and I still catch up, and one thing’s clear: he is interested in people and developing them professionally.
Dr. Jesse Hightower, Jr. - Supervisory Management and Program Analyst at U.S. Department of Education
Your Crescendo used a tool called a ‘pulse-check,’ that helped me determine if a business opportunity was worth pursuing, and that’s been a great tool. He’s also been essential in helping me foster new relationships with professionals in my industry. He is a true people-connector. I have a lightbulb moment every time I meet with Reggie. Even if I’m not at my endpoint, working with him and Your Crescendo has been a great investment.
Cavell Jenkins – Managing Principal Consultant The SCIENTIA GROUP
The actual day was amazing! It was refreshing to be in this contemporary space, to think, reflect and breathe. Breakfast was set up. His attention to the little things made all the difference. It was important for the whole experience. We had breakfast, mingled and just enjoyed each other, which was nice. The structure, organization and very deliberate way he went from one item to the next was perfect. He wasn’t afraid to push where he needed to push. Again, he wasn’t afraid to allow us to be uncomfortable.
Samantha Evans – Executive Director, Communications Fulton County Schools
In every ‘tough love’ conversation we had, I understood that he was trying to be my coach, guide and challenge me. He wants you to fly as high as you can possibly fly. And when he worked with me, I could tell Reggie was achieving his life purpose, too. Working with him was certainly worth all the time and energy.
Tracey McCant – Project Manager The Coca-Cola Company
I work through any tough situation I encounter at work with Your Crescendo. In this particular instance, my conflict resolution abilities were key in managing the expectations of all involved, including our company’s leadership team, employees and human resources. Reggie’s program pushes you to resolve conflict maturely and take accountability every step of the way.
Elbert Parker, Lead, Workforce Management Chico’s FAS
Talent & Leadership on Purpose
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