Spotlight on Women in STEM

The balance between addressing immediate diversity concerns and implementing long-term educational strategies is crucial. Mentorship emerged as a pivotal aspect of my professional development, although I initially resisted the idea, determined to carve out my success independently. Over time, I've come to recognise the immense value of mentorship, not just for personal growth but as a crucial tool for fostering a more inclusive industry.

in the face of adversity. My advice to those following in my footsteps is simple: "Be brave, be bold and don’t say no to opportunities". This mindset has been instrumental in my journey, pushing me to challenge norms and contribute to the much-needed transition towards cleaner energy solutions. an invaluable resource in any field, and their under-representation is a loss to the sector's innovation and problem- solving capacity. Women, undoubtedly, are Studying mechanical engineering, I was one of 3 women in a class of 25 and have continued to be in the minority throughout my career. What can we say has been changed? What have we done to attract more women to science and engineering? We have been hearing the same thing for the past three decades.”

My journey has taught me the importance of bravery and boldness



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