JUDAIC STUDIES Holiday Celebrations and Shabbat Programs Kehillah Kedosha and Chagigot Veterans Day Special Assembly MLK Special Shabbat Program Honey Cakes, Latkes & Hamantashen Baking for holidays Sukkah Decorating and special programs in the Sukkah 8th Grade Israel Send Off Service Purim Carnival & Game Show Yom HaShoah Ceremony Yom HaZikaron Ceremony Yom Ha’Atzmaut Program and Parade Hebrew Spelling Bee competition Matzah Factory Standards & Benchmarks TaNaKh curriculum Sukkot Gallery Walk Friday Funday Birkat Hamazon
We continue to perfect our proficiency in Differentiated Instruction (DI) - an initiative we started four years ago. DI tailors instruction to meet individual student needs. Teachers differentiate content, process, products, and the learning environment; they also use ongoing assessment and flexible grouping to customize the learning experience for their students.
Middle School Program Passover Model Seder 5th & 6th Grade Shabbaton
AT A GLANCE 72 virtual Shabbatot celebrated 1,000 challot sent home to our Levine families Students raised over $6,000 for community charities
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