
心之所需营养 为心血管开敞康庄大道

The nutrition your heart needs to go the distance.

Phytomega ® contains phytosterols that work by competing with cholesterol for the same intestinal absorption sites, preventing cholesterol from entering the bloodstream – naturally reducing the amount of cholesterol you absorb. 植纯鱼油所含的植物甾 醇以竞争方式与胆固醇 争取肠道吸收位点,防 止胆固醇进入血液-以 天然的方式降低您的胆 固醇吸收量。

The Phytomega ® helps ü Naturally lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels ü Support healthy heart and

Extracting only the good stuff! 坚持萃取最好的! The patented extraction and drying process in manufacturing the product separates sugars, acids, and inactive solids, leaving only the proanthocyanidins exclusive to Provex™. 专利萃取和烘干技术将糖份、酸和惰性固体 成分都抽取出来,把具有维护生命功效的前 花色苷基素全部保留给宝维适。 Natural Cardiovascular Support: 天然的心血管防护: ü Promote healthy blood pressure levels 促进健康血压值 ü Support healthy endothelial function 维护健康内皮细胞功能 ü Promote healthy blood platelet activity 促进健康血小板活动

blood vessel function ü Support healthy blood circulation 植纯鱼油的优势 ü 天然降低胆固醇和三酸 甘油脂水平 ü 维护健康的心脏和血管 功能 ü 维护血液循环的健康

2000mg Phytosterols Lower cholesterol level : Phytosterols compete with cholesterol for absorption during digestion, naturally reducing the amount of cholesterol absorbed. 2000毫克植物甾醇 降低胆固醇水平: 植物甾醇与胆固醇能 争相被消化道吸收,天然降低人体对 胆固醇的吸收量。

CoenzymeQ10 CoQ10 helps generate energy for the heart and inhibits blood clot formation. 辅酶Q10 辅酶Q10帮助心脏产生能量, 抑制血液凝块的形成。

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) ALA helps produce energy and acts as a super antioxidant. It helps protect the heart against free radical damage. 硫辛酸 (ALA) ALA有助于产生能量,同时也 是一个超级抗氧化剂。它有助 于保护心脏免受自由基的伤害。

1000mg Omega 3 Fatty Acids Healthy fats derived from only the best molecularly distilled and purified omega-3s from deep cold water fish. These omega-3s help reduce triglycerides. 1000 毫克 Omega 3脂肪酸 萃取自深海冷水鱼类,经分子蒸馏法提 炼成纯净优质的Omega-3脂肪酸。这些 omega-3脂肪酸有助于降低三酸甘油脂 。

Purchase 40 Points and Save RM39.40 消费满40点省 RM39.40 PhytoMega ® +Provex™ 植纯鱼油+宝维适 SKU6531 | Regular Price 普通售价 : RM325.00 SAVE 33% 节省 Preferred Customer 优惠价 : RM218.50 (29pts)



Promotional Price 促销价 : RM179.10 (22pts)


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