−− Matrix management −− Meeting management
Managing Programs and Associated Risks 2 Days | Classroom Seminar I.D.# C0409 This course presents a proven eight-step method for program planning and control, including: definition of customers’ require- ments, roles of the program team, determination and flowcharting of program tasks, scheduling and costing, quality aspects of critical tasks, and risk management. Easy to grasp, each of the eight steps evolve from common-sense questions that should be answered for any program, regardless of size or complexity. With shortened development cycles and greater reliance on information in programs, this course emphasizes the value of communication within a program team, between the team and functional areas, and between the team and the program customer. Since the appropriateness of communication vehicles vary depending on purpose and audience, alternative modes of communication and change control are discussed. Learning Objectives By attending this seminar, you will be able to: • Explain the eight-step method for program planning and control • Implement the eight-step method to improve program outcomes as measured by cost, schedule and quality • Make plans and progress visible to team members and to the program customer Who Should Attend Engineers and business people involved in various product development team activities will find the subject matter practical and useful. The content is of particular value to professionals from engineering, manufacturing, purchasing, quality, marketing, and finance functions in ground vehicle OEMs and suppliers.
• Scheduling work
−− Critical Path calculation −− Fast tracking −− Developing a baseline schedule −− Gantt chart creation −− Software tools for scheduling −− Software tools for program management • Resource planning −− Resource planning (quantity, skills, resource conflicts, anticipating needs) −− Adding contingencies −− Constraint management • Risk Management −− Proactive assessment and mitigation of risks −− Types of risk −− Failure mode and effects analysis applied to programs/ projects • Optimizing work performance −− Spheres of influence and control −− Cause-effect diagrams −− Assessing critical information flows
−− Managing human performance −− Responsibility matrix (RASIC) • Project initiation −− Establishing a war room −− Authorization to begin −− Meeting management • Tracking program performance
Instructor: Fee: $1495
Murray Sittsamer or Kenneth B. Woodside
1.3 CEUs
Topical Outline • Program and risk management overview −− Process approach to planning programs −− Competition drives us to perform better
Out-Innovate the Competition .5 Hour | On Demand Course I.D.# PD271714
−− Why programs sometimes fail −− Reference materials and website
Well-intentioned leaders, in their attempts to boost innovation, are inadvertently destroying it. Based on Stephen Shapiro’s bestselling book, “Best Practices are Stupid: Ways to Out-In- novate the Competition”, this online learning experience offers counterintuitive yet proven strategies for boosting innovation and making it a repeatable, sustainable, and profitable process. He teaches that innovation isn’t just about generating occasional new ideas; it’s about staying consistently one step ahead of the competition. Shapiro shows that non-stop innovation is attainable and vital to building high-performing teams, improving financial outcomes, and staying competitive with peer organizations. Using self-assessment, the goal is to challenge you to think differently about how you approach innovation.
• Defining program outcomes and measurables −− Building quality and performance targets into program planning −− Financial impact of poor planning −− Roles and responsibilities of project team members −− Design reviews −− Product performance measurement −− Program/project metrics • Team formation and task planning −− Team development −− Roles and responsibilities
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at | Email us at
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