• Type and Supplemental Type Certification Process −− Certification Plans and FAA coordination −− Data generation and approvals −− Conformity inspections −− Testing −− Approvals
• Describe the FAA system, FAA orders, Advisory Circulars, FAA rule making process • Define what exemptions and special conditions are and how to obtain them • Identify the difference between airworthiness standard and operational rules Who Should Attend This course is designed for engineering and certification managers, design engineers, airworthiness and certification engineers, quality assurance inspectors and engineers, program managers, consul- tants, Federal Aviation Administration designated engineering and airworthiness representatives (DER and DAR) and other technical administrative personnel involved in FAA certification activities. The course will help newcomers to aircraft certification as well as experienced attendees better understand the certification process and be able to present and negotiate certification matters with the Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft Certification Office. Topical Outline DAY ONE • FAA History, Organization and Hierarchy −− FAA certification “lingo” −− FAA system organizational chart and hierarchy −− How regulations are developed • FAA Roles and Responsibilities −− Aircraft Certification Office −− Manufacturing Inspection District Office −− Flight Standard District Office −− Aircraft Evaluation Group • Issue Papers - What They Are and How They Are Used −− Exemptions −− Special conditions −− Equivalent level of safety • Certification Basis • Change Product Rule DAY TWO • Type Certificate Data Sheet - The “Birth Certificate” of an Airplane
Instructor: Fee: $1415
Ken Farsi 1.3 CEUs
Instructors Wanted... To shape the future of mobility engineering. SAE International Professional Development is seeking experienced engineering professionals with industry and/or academic backgrounds to develop and teach live classroom or online courses; we are seeking expertise in a variety of topics including: - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) - Connected Aircraft - Cybersecurity - Counterfeit Parts Control - Quality Management Systems Standards - Aerospace Regulations and Standards - Threaded Fasteners - Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) - 8 Disciplines Problem Solving - Measurement System Analysis (MSA) - Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) - Human Factor Training - Emerging Technologies and Human Space Flight - European Aviation Safety Agency Contact SAE Professional Development to explore how you can help to shape the future of industry.
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• Documents and How to Develop Them −− Airplane Flight Manual Supplements −− Instructions for Continued Airworthiness −− Type Inspection Authorization −− Request For Conformity −− Certification Plan −− Conformity Plans • FAA Advisory Materials • Support Documents −− Parts Manufacturing Authorization −− Technical Standard Order −− Field approvals −− FAA Form 337 approvals −− 8110-3 approvals
3 ways to get a no-obligation price quote to deliver a course to your company: Call SAE Corporate Learning at +1.724.772.8529 | Fill out the online quote request at | Email us at
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