King's Business - 1928-08

August 1928

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


STATEM ENT TH A T WOULD BE IN HARMONY W ITH W H A T I WAS. TAUGHT IN TH E M ID ­ W EST UN IVERS ITY . I make no apology in referring to our beloved Dean at this time. I sat in his, classes with a critical mind because o f what a Christian leader had said about him. In the two years of Christian Philos­ ophy and Psychology I have yet to hear a statement that I might place my fingers upon and say, “ In this place he has bordered upon evolutionary ideas.” I do not hesitate to Say that after having the instruction we receive here in our courses of doctrine, philosophy and the other courses, anyone who has had this teaching as a background might go through any institution, no matter how evolutionary or modernistic, and not be affected. A Day on a Tramp Steamer A TRAM P steamer calling for bunkers was tied to the dock at San Pedro harbor for a few hours. Our Seamen’s Worker, Mr. Pearson, climbed a tall, greasy lad­ der to get on board. His efforts, though hard physically, were .well rewarded. Two officers were dealt with and . left happy in the Christian life, One honest doubter was led to see lines"'of truth which will, we trust, lead him out of doubt and into certainty of the knowledge o f the Word of God. While talking with these elderly seamen the worker noticed the manifest heart-hunger of another man who came'into the room. A fter finishing the conversation and covering the ship thoroughly with literature, Mr. Pearson hunted out this dear fellow in his own room. There he confessed that he was not worthy of being called a man; he had despaired and even gone so far as to consider suicide. He stated that he thought his wife, who had been supporting him for the past three;years, would be far better off without him. He asked if Jesus Christ could deliver him from the terrible tobacco habit. He actually believed that he was possessed with demons. Poor in body, soul and spirit, he saw the truth as it was in Jesus Christ and dedicated his life anew to Him. He testified that he would yield to Him and trust Him for complete deliverance. A return trip was made to the vessel, taking him some clothing and spiritual helps. Will you not pray for this man ? Come With Us to an Eteri Meeting I T was recently said in the session of the First Pres­ byterian Church of Long Beach that of all the work being done in Long Beach outside the churches, they valued the Eteri Club work the most highly because o f its reaching the young people, and being the only organ­ ization for the purpose of teaching God’s Word. At 6:15, the business girls from stores, offices, banks gather in their club room. They find dinner has been pre­ pared by the adult members of my Bible class. The mem­ bers take their turns. The girls come in tired and worn and appreciate the glad hands extended to welcome them. They know if they need help they can get it here. After dinner they break up into groups. Three groups form into prayer circles and pray over the problems of the day. They ask prayers of one another for the various' ¿things’in their-livesffor'which .they'need prayer. Song sendee 1 begins after prayers. '.‘A leader who knows just how to lead them takes charge. A fter that the Bible is taught. Each girl has her Bible. The teacher reads the chapter first and then gets out of the chapter the lesson thought. In a recent meeting the teacher was dealing with the two great commandments, and turned to

room for young women, used by the Holy Spirit to awaken a soul to her need of a Saviour through the faithfulness of a watchful soul-winner’s presentation of Him. What a proof that the Good Shepherd seeks the sheep, and that the winner of souls is wise. Miss Winifred Rouzee has now passed on to be with her Lord whom she so faithfully served, and is awaiting the glad rewarding day when it shall be her joy and crown to meet many who found the heavenly road through her efforts. Shall we not pray that the picture o f the Christ may be used to show many others the way o f the cross that leads home? Unevangelized Africa Mission ' ÜÜâ T six-thirty each Sunday evening, in a rural church I near Los Angèles, a group of children meet to JÊw éi prav for the Unevangelized Africa Mission, re- jnjQaL cently organized by Dr. Charles Hurlburt. One Jijwîùb little eight-year-old girl w h o . recently accepted Christ as her Saviour was so thrilled with His love that she offered the following prayer : “ Help Mr. and Mrs. Bigelow and the other missionaries to learn the lan­ guage of the black people quickly so that they can tell the little black children about Jesus, and the black children will understand and believe and accept Him.” ' May we not believe that the Lord Jesus listened with a tender: smile to the earnest plea o f His little ;one, and that He is bending down to bless the workers o f this new mission enterprise as they begin to gather those other little lambs into His fold? Is He riot seeking- to fill our hearts more 1 completely with His own compassion for that land held in the darkness and terror of death— oh, so long—waiting yet for the glorious tidings o f the Lord Jesus and His power to save and.keep forever? ; Dr. Hurlburt is praising God for the safe arrival o f a group cjf missionaries in the heart of Africa, not far from U jiji, the historic meeting place of Livingstone and Stanley. ! H Another note o f praise is for the goodly number of missionary candidates who are offering themselves. Will ÿou pray that wisdom may be given in selecting, and provision be made for sending out as many as the Lord shall choose? We ask our readers also to pray, for. the beloved director, Dr. Hurlburt, whose abundant labors in the Lord call for fresh supplies of strength at this" time. Those interested in this new work may address Dr. Hurl­ burt at the Institute. A Student’s Testimony at Report Dinner I T gives me great pleasure to give my testimony as to what this Institute has meant to me because of the fact that before I entered last year, February 27th, I was informed that this Institute had turned into a modernistic school. Having spent five years in one of the mid-west uni­ versities where I studied science, and having taken my major degree in geology and theology, resulting in my coming to the conclusion that evolution was the divine method in the universe, I was placed on a mattress for three years where I had time to study the Bible. I am glad to say before I ,heard o f this Ipçfitute, I was con- jyincejd that the book of Genesis gave us the-,story of cre­ ation rather than as I had learned it under professors and in geology. It was with some reluctance that I sent - in my application. I have been sitting in the classrooms, half expecting to hear some o f these teachings that we might term modern­ istic evolution-. I H AVE NOT HEARD THE F IRST

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