Nestor PT: Helping Arthritis Pain

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When it comes to treating arthritis, you may have more options than you realize. There is much you can do to reduce your aches and pains from arthritis while gaining more mobility and function. We offer consistent recommendations for our patients suffering with the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. If you want to know how to relieve and reduce the pain of arthritis, try our physical therapy first. Patients often experience pain from arthritis because of stiff joints, muscles, and other tissues. In addition, muscles become weak, therefore not supporting the arthritic joints. The customized treatments at Nestor Physical Therapy promote muscle strength, improve range of motion, increase mobility, and relieve pain. In addition, coupling your physical therapy with the following can also help you live life to the fullest and get you back to doing the things you love: Whenyourphysical therapy isover,your therapistwillhaveequippedyouwith the knowledge and exercises you need to continue progress on your own. Maintainingyour recommendedweightor losingweight ifyou areoverweight can lessen your pain. Weight loss specifically helps ease pressure on joints such as your hips and knees. If arthritis affects your knee, special footwear and insoles can reduce pain and improve walking. Osteoarthritis can cause instability in joints. A knee or back brace can help reduce pain, improve stability, and reduce the risk of falling.

Discover how our therapists can improve your posture and relieve your back or neck pain, allowing you to live a happy, active, and pain-free life.

Try this movement if you have arthritis pain. Relieve Pain In Minutes:

Patient Success Spotlight

Helps With Tightness

FOUR POINT ARM RAISE Start on hands and knees, hips and shoulders at 90°. Lift one arm out front. Bring it back down and then repeat on opposite side. Repeat 8-10 times on both arms.

“I had been diagnosed with lower back arthritis and stenosis with irritation of the sciatic nerve causing left foot & lower leg numbness/tingling. The orthopedic doctor suggested physical therapy. I always return to Nestor Physical Therapy because of Steve’s knowledge to prescribe the right kind of exercises to help with this current problem. I will continue with my exercise program at home to maintain and build up strength! Thank you Steve!” - Mary Golouski

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