DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MONKEY POX AND SMALL POX Monkey pox is very much similar to small pox. The only difference between the two is one of the symptom of monkey pox which is different from small pox. Monkeypox causes lymphadenopathy, which is the swelling of the lymph nodes, this symptom is not present in the smallpox. Within 1 – 3 days fever starts, after that red spots appears on the mouth and face, then spreads to the arms and legs. Over four to five days, the spots turn into small fluid-filled blisters that are tender to touch and they eventually become doughnut-shaped, and begin to crust over by two-week. Transmission of the virus Monkeypox virus is transmitted from one person to another through; -close contact with the person with lesions, -body fluids, -respiratory droplets and contaminated materials such as bedding. Monkey pox virus can spread through contact with an infected person. In case of animal to human contact, human being can become infected by a bite or scratch from an infected animal, getting into close contact with an infected animal’s bedding, meat, body fluids, etc. This monkey pox virus enters into the body through the nose and mouth of the patient. The incubation period of monkeypox is usually from 6 to 13 days but can deviate from 5 to 21 days. Diagnosis of Monkey Pox For the proper diagnosis of Monkey pox differential diagnosis must be considered for other rash illnesses, such as chickenpox, measles, bacterial skin infections, scabies, syphilis and medication-associated allergies. Polymersechain reaction (PCR) testing of samples from skin lesions is the preferred laboratory test. To interpret test results information is required on date of onset of fever, date of onset of rash, date of specimen collection, current stage of rash, and age of the patient. TREATMENT of Monkey pox The most commonly prescribed medicine for monkeypox is the same given for small pox virus. It is suggested and quite evident that the smallpox vaccine is a big time help for preventing monkeypox infections, the small pox vaccine also decreases the severity of the symptoms. Supportive care is also recommended for these types of viral diseases which includes antipyretic, fluid balance and oxygenation.
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