Craven: Protecting Shoulders From Injury

Try these movements if you are experiencing pain. Stretches Shoulder Muscles EXERCISE ESSENTIALS Relieve Aches & Pains In Minutes Without Pain Medication! SCAPULAR RETRACTION Stand tall, shoulders relaxed. Pull shoulder blades back and down. Don’t hunch your shoulders

SHOULDER D2 PATTERN Stand with good posture. Start with your arm across your body with your hand rotated in, thumb pointed down. Bring your arm up and across your body diagonally. As you do, rotate your hand outward. Finish with your hand above your head and out to the side

Strengthens Shoulders


Always consult your physiotherapist or physician before starting exercises you are unsure of doing.

Cherry-Berry Oatmeal Recipe

INGREDIENTS • ⅓ cup quick-cooking rolled oats • ½ cup light almond milk • ¾ cup fresh strawberries • ½ cup fresh dark sweet cherries • 1-2 tbsp almond butter • 1 tbsp honey • ½ cup small ice cubes

DIRECTIONS In a medium bowl combine water and oats. Microwave 1 minute. Stir in ¼ cup of the milk. Microwave 30 to 50 seconds more or until oats are very tender. Cool 5 minutes. In a blender combine oat mixture, the remaining ¼ cup milk, and the next four ingredients (through honey). Cover and blend until smooth, scraping container as needed. Add ice cubes; cover and blend until smooth. If desired, top each serving with additional fruit.

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