Herrman & Herrman February 2018


1201 3rd St Corpus Christi, TX 78404

Inside This ISSUE

How the World Says ‘I Love You’ Page1

Cook Your Way to Better Grades February Testimonials Page2

What ‘Comparative Negligence’ Means Recipe of the Month Page3

A Dog and His Seeing Eye Cat Page4

The Heartwarming Tail of Terfel and Pwditat

Judy Godfrey-Brown of Holyhead, North Wales, was at a loss when her dog, Terfel, began to go blind. Suffering from severe cataracts, the 8-year-old Labrador mix could only distinguish light and dark. Unable to navigate his own home without bumping into furniture, Terfel confined himself to the safety of his sleeping basket, too frightened to leave even when Judy called his name. Unable

bumping into anything, and the pair enjoyed a stroll around the garden before returning indoors. Judy named the newcomer Pwditat, pronounced “puddy tat,” and since that night, the two have been inseparable. Despite the old saying, “hate each other like cats and dogs,” there are plenty of examples of canines and felines getting along swimmingly. The trick is to give your cat enough space

to afford the surgery that would help restore Terfel’s vision, Judy feared what kind of life her old friend would have. Little did she know help was on its way.

and to make sure your dog knows the cat is not something to chase. But when it comes to Terfel and Pwditat, their story is truly one of a kind. “Pwditat immediately seemed to know that Terfel is blind through some sort of sixth sense that animals have,” Judy said in an interview with Huffington Post. “They are glued to each other and even sleep together now.” It’s clear both Terfel and Pwditat’s lives were improved by their amazing bond. Anyone would be lucky to have a friendship like theirs!

One evening, a small gray cat appeared at Judy’s door, seeking shelter from the cold. When Judy let the stray inside, her fearless new houseguest approached the bedridden Terfel. Judy watched in amazement as the cat used her paws to coax Terfel out of his basket, leading the dog into the backyard! Staying right beside the aging dog, the cat kept Terfel from



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