Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda | July 2021

ACADEMIC AND STUDENT LIFE Fall Opening Update. CWU opening plans for academic year 2021-22 have been developed in conjunction with the Kittitas County Public Health Department Medical Director, Dr. Mark Larson. The health and safety of the university community continues to be of utmost importance. All planning continues to take into account the evolving COVID situation. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Communications. The president noted communications from the Faculty Senate. Resolution 21-02 ASCWU Student Government WHEREAS , members of the 2020-2021 Associated Students of Central Washington University (ASCWU) Student Government (SG) served with distinction and conducted themselves in a professional manner befitting their leadership positions; and WHEREAS , the SG respected and supported the shared governance process, engaging fully in campus committees, and establishing constructive communication and positive relationships among the ASCWU and students, faculty, staff, administrators, and the community; and WHEREAS , The Student Engagement Hub was established where our Governmental Affairs office was able to have students, faculty/staff, and community members register to vote AND submit their ballot in the same day on our campus in the SURC. About 150 people submitted their ballots with us; and WHEREAS, recognizing the ASCWU’s key involvement with the S&A base-funding allocation process for the next quadrennium and spearheading a survey which helped to gauge which departments, areas, organizations that students felt were key to their extracurricular student experience at CWU; and WHEREAS , the SG worked to enhance the student governance structure through an update to their constitution allowing for greater senate representation in the coming years; and WHEREAS , the SG participated in the Presidential Search; and WHEREAS , the SG came together during significant and impactful times in an effort to support the student voice, and their response to the multiple social justice movements have shown clear indication that DEI is one of their top priorities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Board of Trustees wishes to publicly express its appreciation to the members of the 2020-2021 ASCWU SG for their dedicated service to Central Washington University and its students, and to wish them well in their future endeavors. ADOPTED and signed this 14 th day of May, 2021. Motion 21-17: Mr. Conner moved that the Board of Trustees of Central Washington University approve Resolution 21-02 honoring the ASCWU Student Government. Ms. Black seconded the motion. The motion was approved. Resolution 21-03 Faculty Senate Executive Committee WHEREAS , the Faculty Senate is the primary means by which faculty collectively share in the governance of Central Washington University by shaping the university’s academic environment; and

5 Board of Trustees Minutes May 13-14, 2021

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