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Presen+ng condi+on (not ea+ng well, sleeping well, gas, reflux, tor+collis, persistent postural abnormali+es, preferred feeding posi+ons, gene+c name a few) Family health history Baby health history (fevers, rashes, seizures, NICU stay, when released from hospital or birth center…) APGAR Bo`le, breast fed, formula (lactose, soy, amino acid base, homemade) How many wet and soiled diapers Vaccines and any reac+ons (fever, crying, seizures, respiratory changes, change in affect…) Toddler-School age History will include above ques+ons but is more reflec+ve of the intake form you currently have. Pay par+cular a`en+on to ques+ons about trauma, ea+ng, vaccines, illnesses, milestone development, gait…

EXAMINATION Neonatal exams:

Height, weight, head circumference, skin color, birth marks, cranial nerve exam, ROM, check movement (symmetrical-bilateral), tone, ortolani, barlows, allis, moro reflex, sucking reflex, roo+ng, galant, perez, fencer, acous+c blink, scarf sign, palmer/plantar grasp, Babinski, DTR, eyes, ear, abdomen, mouth (tongue +e), head shape and cranial bones-sutures. There are several more tests that could be important for your pa+ent but this is a great start.

REFERNCE MATERIAL: Online videos University of Utah Medical Center Chiroprac+c Care for the Pediatric Pa+ent (CD with exam forms too); Dr. Peter Fysh, ICA Pediatric Diplomate Program, ICA Annual Conference on Pediatrics

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