ChiroSecure's Best Of Live Events

find out more about Kim at Make sure you check that out. In addition to that, I want you to make sure ... one, to make sure you like our Facebook page if you have not already done so and if you've not already downloaded the ChiroSecure Malpractice Insurance apps, just go to the app store or Google Play, do a search and download it. There's not cost. You get these live shows, risk management tips and lots of good things about practice management, research that ChiroSecure supports, you don't want to miss that. In addition to that, if you notice on the right side of your page, you have the ability to click on the link that says ChiroSecure Concierge. Make sure you click on that; it will take you to a page. When you get to that page, choose choice 3, if you're not already a ChiroSecure client. It'll allow you to get the concierge service, automatic updates, notes, transcripts of all our events and future events. You'll also get an opportunity to fill out a quick quote which will allow you to find out how you could save from 10 to 40% on your current malpractice insurance premiums and in addition to that, you will also get ChiroSecure's new cyber security coverage at no cost with any of the policies that you sign up for. As this show ends and you leave this page, an exit survey will pop up. Please take a minute, complete that survey, so we can make sure that you get the things that you want on the ChiroSecure live shows. On behalf of myself, Dr. Alan Weinstein, Dr. Stu Hoffman and Kim Klapp, we thank you for attending today and we'll look forward to seeing your soon.

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