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Le Lien communautaire est réservé uniquement aux organismes sans but lucratif de la communauté qui souhaitent annoncer des événements à venir. Dans la mesure du possible, veuillez nous faire parvenir l’information par courriel une semaine à l’avance. The Community Link is solely reserved to non-profit community groups who wish to announce upcoming events. Please send us the information one week in advance by email. Priorities will be decided according to the number of events and the available space. ENVOYER À | SEND TO: nouvelles@eap.on.ca. Carrousel GRC et moulins à battre Le comité des moulins à battre organise deux activités à la Fromagerie St-Albert : la préparation des moulins à battre pour le Record Guinness du 11 août prochain se tient tout le weekend du 18 mai. Le Carrousel de la GRC a lieu le 19 mai. Plus de 9000 livres en vente du 11 au 16 mai à l’hôtel de ville à Embrun. Détails: 613-443-3636. More than 9000 books on sale from May 11 to 16 at the town hall in Embrun. More details: 613-445-5331 Souper/danse Joie de vivre Le club Joie de Vivre 50+ : Souper/ danse le 15 mai. Centre récréatif d’Embrun, 6, rue Blais. Le souper sera servi vers 18h. Musique par Louis Séguin. Réservez au plus tard le 12 mai. Diane Lalonde au 613-443-2837 ou Irène Sauvé au 613-867-6308 Whist militaire Limoges Le club du Bonheur de Limoges orga- nise un whist militaire le 18 mai, à 13h30, au Centre récréatif de Limoges (école Saint-Viateur) au 205, chemin Limoges. Un goûter sera servi. RSVP avant le 13 mai : Réjeanne Legault au 613-443-5498. Souper de fèves au lard et de macaroni Chevaliers de Colomb du conseil 6301Embrun : souper mensuel de fèves au lard et de macaroni, 10 mai, de 17h à 18h30 au 5, rue Forget, Embrun. Souper communautaire Le club Les Bons Vivants 50+ de Crys- ler : souper communautaire le 10 mai, de 17h à 19h. Community supper, May 10, 5-7 pm. Macaroni with meat and beans. Crysler community center. Le Théâtre L’Envol Le Théâtre L’Envol présente Carlingue pour St-Domingue, les 9, 10 et 11 mai à 20h et les 11 et 12 mai à 14h, Maison des Arts, Embrun. Info et billets : 613- 443-0101, http://theatrelenvol.org/fr/, Boutique Joma et Caisse populaire Nouvel- Horizon, Embrun et Casselman. Consultez notre page Facebook! Russell Run The 10th Annual Russell Run: Saturday, May 11. The event will be held at Russell Community Sports Club, 988 Concession Street, Russell. The event features a 1.2km Kids Fun Run at 9am and 5km Fun Run and Road Race at 9:30am. For more information visit http://russellcom- munitysportclub.ca/ communautaire community link Le lien The Grande vente livres d’occasion/ Mega used book sale
FRANCIS RACINE francis.racine@eap.on.ca
“While one cannot erase the turmoil that the Indigenous people have experienced and still experience to this day, one can attempt to sew it back together.” Those were but the many words printed on several banners showcased at the Russell Public School, on May 6, during the fourth annual Truth and Reconciliation Commis- sion Gathering. “We organize the event so students can learn about Indegenous culture, arts and food,” said Bill Montgomery of the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) and organizer of the event. “We’ve had close to 250 students participate this year. It’s been a great turnout.” A total of 16 schools from the UCDSB took part in the initiative, including Cam- bridge Public School. The four-day event was held at three locations across the region. The gathering is organized by the schoolboard in order to increase awareness of Indigenous culture and history. It was launched four years ago by the board, in order to respond to the calls to action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Participants were greeted by several different projects, made and researched by local students. These outlined different themes. One such project highlighted the disparaging food prices Indigenous commu- nities must face in Northern Canada. Under the picture of a bottle of orange juice was the price $26.99. During the evening, students, as well as their parents, were invited to dine on traditional Indigenous delicacies, such as fried fish and fried bread, all the while listening to several presentations from
Plusieurs parents et élèves de Russell ont eu la chance d’en apprendre davantage sur la culture et les traditions de plusieurs peuples autochtones du Canada, le 6 mai dernier, à la Russell Public School. Ceux-ci participaient à la quatrième édition de la Truth and Reconciliation Commission Gathering, organisé par le Upper Canada District School Board. Ci-dessus, on reconnait Manitok Thompson, une un aîné inuk —photo Francis Racine
Indigenous Knowledge Keepers, Elders, Cultural Advisors, Senators and Indigenous community partners. Amongst them was Manitok Thompson, an Inuk elder. “I am a first Canadian,” she said to the attentive crowd. “I am proud of it. English has never
been my language. I am simply borrowing it.” The elder lit a ceremonial fire, all the while describing her colorful clothing. “My people lived through snow and the elements,” she explained. “They lived in isolation, with nothing for miles away.”
We thank our nurses who day and night care for our patients and their families. Our nursing staff is committed NATIONAL NURSING WEEK MAY 6-12, 2019
Merci à nos infirmières et infirmiers qui veillent jour et nuit au bien-être de nos patients et de leurs familles. Le personnel infirmier de l’HGH : une équipe vouée aux soins de qualité axés sur le patient et la famillle! SEMAINE NATIONALE DES SOINS INFIRMIERS 6 AU 12 MAI 2019
tohigh-quality patient and family-centred care.
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