AspenRehab_Is Back Pain Slowing Things Down?

CHANGE IN INSURANCE? TRY OUR CASH PAYMENT PROGRAM Nolongerhave insurance?Hasyourinsurancechanged with less benefits? Patients can now use our Cash Payment Program option to pay for any necessary services. Costsshouldnotkeepyoufromseekingpainrelief.For more information on howyou can enter this program, contact us today at (954) 341-7875,

HAVE YOU MET YOUR INSURANCE DEDUCTIBLE? An insurancedeductible istheamountofmoneythatyoumust pay before your insurance company pays for your medical services. Ifyourdeductible ismet,yourPhysicalTherapymay not cost you anything. Patients with family plans or those who have had major surgeriesorhaveachronic illnessareespeciallylikelytohave a$0balanceremainingontheirout-of-pocketexpenses.This means that the cost of physical therapy could be minimal or completely covered by the patient’s insurance plan. Ifyou are close to or havemetyour insurance deductible for theyear,thennow isthetimetocome inforPhysicalTherapy! Areyou feeling aches and pains?Need towork onyourcore? Let us help you get a head start for 2020. Have you undergone surgery recently? Call us today at (954) 341-7875 to schedule an appointment with one of our physicaltherapists.We’llguideyou to affordable treatments that will place you one step closer to pain relief.


Schedule your FREE consultation with a physical therapist by calling (954) 341-7875 and mentioning this coupon!

• Move without pain • Bend and move freely

• Balance confidently and securely • Sit for long periods comfortably • Walk for long distances • Live an active & healthy life

Call us at (954) 341-7875 or visit

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