Longevity Medical Institute eBook


A powerful blend of essential vitamins and minerals designed to boost energy levels, enhance immune function, and improve overall vitality.

B Key ingredients: Vitamin B Complex, Multivitamins MV-REDOX, Magnesium, Trace Minerals.

B Ideal for: Patients experiencing fatigue or low energy, or for patients needing immune support before or after regenerative therapies.


A specialized formulation that supports the body's natural detoxification processes, aiding in toxin removal and reducing oxidative stress.

B Key ingredients: Glutathione, Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA), Vitamin C, Trace Minerals.

B Commonly used for: Preparing the body for regenerative treatments or assisting in recovery from toxic exposures.


D esigned to rapidly restore hydration and electrolyte balance, ensuring optimal cellular function.

B Key ingredients: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Multivitamins MV-REDOX, Trace Minerals.

B B ene fic ial for : Patients needing q uic k rehydration.

This may be after intense physical activity or in preparation for stem cell therapies.

Immun e:

A potent blend formulated to enhance immune system function and provide robust support during times of stress or illness.

B Key ingredients: Vitamin C, Vitamin B Complex, Z inc, S elenium.

B U sed for: S trengthening the immune system before invasive procedures or as part of a comprehensive wellness plan.


L ongevity M edical I nstitute

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