Diplomas will be granted upon the following conditions: 1. Three to four yea rs' resid en t work in Los Angeles, with requisite residence in the Institute, according to requ irements of course and recognition on completion of course pursued. The regular schedule ca ll s for fifteen cur ricular hours of classroom wo rk per week . This allows fifteen semester hours credit each semester. Two non curricul ar credits are allowed for practical work, making a total of seventeen hours each semester, or thirty-four each yea r. For graduation from a three-year course, a minimum of ninety-six and for a four-year course, a minimum. of 128 credit hours. 2. Approved Christian character. 3. Commendable zeal in practical Christian work. 4. Profici ency in English. 5. Passing grades in all the required work. 6. Soundness in doctrine, to be determined by the faculty. Certificate- For those who have cove red the wo rk of a three or fo ur-year course, but who have not met the full requirements for a Diploma of the Instit ute-a Cer- tificate will be awarded. On the completion of the full requirements and the surrender of the certifi ca te, the holder will be entitl ed to the Diploma of the Institute according to the Course of Study pursued. Note-The courses of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago being almost iden tical with those of the Bible In stitute of Los A ngeles, it is possible to grant students of that institution equal credit for studies taken th ere, and also to grant equal allow ances fo r residence there to the ex tent of one year. DEGREES The Bible Institute is gratified to announce that it is now able to give recognition in the way of appropriate degrees to those who are gualified by p revious work a nd who meet the requirements of such degrees. At presen t three FOUR-YEAR COURSES are offered leading to degrees , fo r those qualifi ed by pre-req uisite training, and who maintain a sta ndard of not less than eighty per cent throughout each of the four years. The followi ng degrees a re offered: For those majoring in Theology-the degree of Bachelor of Theology. For those majoring in Christian Education-the degree of Bachelor of Ch ristian Ed ucation. For those majoring in Sacred Music-the degree of Bachelor of Sacred Music. The requirement for the Bachelor of Sacred Music- includes satisfactory com pletion of Co urse III-Junior Recital and Senior Recital (Voice or Instrumental major)-One original eight-part 96 measure \ choral composition. One origi nal 96-measure composition orchestrated for fifteen instruments . ADVANCED STANDING T hose who have completed work in anothe r accredited Bi bl e Institute, seminar y, co ll ege or uni ve rsit y, may apply for ad va nced standing, even if the courses are not in all cases the exact equivalent of t hose given in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The Registrar will give an approximate eva luation to such work. A definite eva lua tion of credits for wo rk done in other institutions wi ll not be made until the close of the first semester of residence in the Bibl e Institute, si nce it is the policy of the school not to enroll students as ca ndidates for a degree, d iploma or certificate until the end of their first semester. The eva luation made at this time may later be modi fied in case of the fai lu re of a student to complete advanced cou rses wi th sa ti sfac tory g rades.
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