unsaved of all classes, as well as fo ll owers of the var ious cults. Suggest ion fo r conduct of \'a ri ous kinds of religious servi ces, organizati ons and direct ion of Bible Classes, colpor tage and other practi cal Chri st ian work . Course No. 5 THROUGH THE BIBLE 1 ONE YEAR, Rev . W . H . P ike, Instructo r . Pri ce $3 . (English l 8s ., including all post age. ) F oll ows the telescop ic method . giving one a bi rd 's-eye view of each book of the Bibl e. Examinat ions of a simple character a re given upon groups of about fi ve books at a t ime. Gives one a fin e genera l idea o f the Bible. F ifty lessons, one a week. C:mrse No. 6 BIBLE BEG I NNER S ' COUR E, Rev. Keith L. Broob . Inst ructor . P r ice $2. (Engli sh l2s., includ ing a ll postage. ') A se ri es of vital stud ies espec ia ll y for the Chri sti ans, taking up some of the rudirnentan · truths of the Christi an faith . A r ranged so as to develop 'or; ginal ity in the student and create a deeper in te rest in Bible study . \ \'e recommend thi s to all who have had no prev ious tra ini ng, al though it will be found ve ry st imulat ing to Chr isti ans generally . Can be completed easil y in a few months. Course No. 7 THROuGH THE ~E\Y T E STAJ\IENT BY BOOKS AND CHAPTER S, Rev . J ohn H. H unter, Instructor . Price $3 . (Engli sh l 8s ., includ ing all postage.) Sarne as Course No . 3, but in the New T estament. Can be completed in one year . Special Supplemental Course for $1.00 Thi s unique course prepa red by 1\f rs. Ke ith L. Brooks fo r those of Junior and Intermediate age, wi ll be found most refreshing even to mature beli evers. I t is invaluable to unday School workers as it off ers a valuabl e coll ect ion of supplemental mate r ial for use w;th young people. used with great succe_ss by J\1 rs. Brooks, a specialist with children. As a mean s of 111 te r est ing young beli evers in Bible S tudy, we have never seen its equa l. \Ve co rrect the students' work and place t he Inst itute stamp upon a fi ni shed course, but do not give the regular Inst i tute cer tifi cate .
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