30 Days to Real Estate Cash 119

The value of the home at $100,000. %

They can buy it for $65,000 + your bird-dog fee. %

There would be very few active investors who wouldn’t be ex- tremely interested in grabbing this amazing deal. This investor had previously told you that she pays 5% as a bird-dog fee at the time they lock up the deal. They have a short contract for bird- dogs where you can fill in the $65,000 and the $3,250 fee. If they don’t have a bird-dog agreement, you can get one to use at my website at www.DeanGraziosi. com/birddog Once you have that bird-dog agreement signed, you then give them the address and introduce them to the homeowner via phone or email. If your cash buyer makes an offer and gets it accepted by the seller, you get your money. The cash buyer usu- ally just writes you a personal check or, if they have a business entity, a check from that business and you go to the bank with your $3,250 bird-dog fee! Depending on the investor and the arrangement you have with them, you may have to wait until closing for your money. You will always be trying to get your fee up front if possible. There is always a small risk that the deal will not close, and it’s nice when you can avoid that risk. Of course, this could reduce the amount the investor is willing to pay you to offset that risk. Your goal should be to develop relationships with cash buyers who will be specific about what they want you to bring them in the way of deals, how much they will pay as a bird-dog fee, and when you’ll be paid. Some will use a percentage, while others will set a dollar figure, such as they’ll pay $5,000 for every deal you bring that they accept and close on.

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