30 Days to Real Estate Cash 133

getting me deals cheaper than I could locate them on my own, even if I had the time. He’s created a marketing machine that turns out profitable deals like an assembly line. Stepping Stone to Financial Security For those just starting out with no cash in your pockets, in debt, and trying to improve your lives, you’ve come to the right place and you have the right tools now. Every strategy here will put cash in your pocket right away. How- ever, every strategy here will also work as you move through other phases of real estate investing. If you want to buy and hold properties as rental units, your bandit signs, phone inter- view sheet, and Matt’s profit formula will all work for you. If you build up cash and want to renovate and flip properties, everything you’ve learned here is just as valuable for this pur- pose. You can put it into practice to do far better deals than the average investor using standard property location and buy- ing strategies. If there is even a shred of doubt or fear in your mind that is keep- ing you from going out and putting what you’ve learned here to work for you, please get on the phone or go to our websites. There is ample help and encouragement just for you! Our Suc- cess Academy coaches are amazing, and your success is our busi- ness. Get excited, get moving, and take action! Locating Members for your Power Team! You must work on building a strong team of power team mem- bers. The more strength you have on your bench, the better off you will be. It is also important to add members to your team before you actually need them. When a situation arises, you will then already have someone in mind on your team who can

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