30 Days to Real Estate Cash 137

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The last thing you want to do at this point is to waste this valuable education. You have the tools and information; now it’s time to be applying what you have learned and be taking action. Whether you’re forging ahead at full speed, plodding along, or at a temporary resting point, it will help if we do a fast review of what you’ve learned so far. If you see something you let slip by or you would like to review, you’ll know where to go back and pick it up. The better you master each area, the greater the odds you will have at success. Each time you go through this information, it may seem as if new material appears. I am not sneaking in extra material when you are not looking. It’s just that you are learning each time you review the material and some of the techniques, prin- ciples, or concepts make more sense to you because you are out there applying what you have previously learned. Reviewing these chapters will help you review and find the golden nuggets of information you may have missed the first or second time through.

Before you continue on with your activities for days 26 through 30, let’s take a look back at those first 25 days of action!

Day 1 through Day 5 - Phase One Starting out on a journey--even a fast-paced one like this--can be a little scary. In the beginning, you may not know where you are going but having a blueprint to guide you can really help you along the way. It’s important to be very clear as to why you’re doing it. It’s crucial to understand why you are putting forth the

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