30 Days to Real Estate Cash 13

same life that made you want to make changes in the first place? Contrast this feeling with the success notes from above. Each day you do not work on your goals is another day you will have to work through your current situation to get where you want to be. Which do you want in your future? The choice is up to you! You now possess the knowledge that can change your situation or even your life. It’s in your hands. It’s in your control. What you do with this information is totally up to you. You do control your own destiny. Throughout our lives we often encounter people who always want to tell us why we can’t do something, rather than why we can do it. This section is right here with goals because almost every successful student of mine has shared stories on my web- site www.DeanGraziosi.com about how they were almost taken out of the game right at the beginning by negative people in their lives. We call these people “ naysayers, ” and you control who you listen to as you move along on this journey. My web- site is filled with like-minded individuals who share information and inspiration that can elevate you to that next level. Each of my parents has been married four times. I love them, and I ask for their advice at times, but not about success in mar- riage. If I want advice about a successful marriage, I look for someone with 50 years in the same relationship. I know where to go for advice from those who have a track record of success. Everyone in life has an opinion, but whom we listen to or follow may determine where we end up in life. As you read through this book, your enthusiasm will make you want to talk about what you’re learning to everyone you meet. And I’m going to give you some advice in going out and making Blowing Past the Negativity of Others – “The Naysayers”

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