sure that everyone you know is aware of what you’re doing and how they should bring good deals to your attention.

Unfortunately, when you start talking to others about your real estate business, you’ll hear their opinions based on their life ex- periences or just plain negativity. Do not let that discourage you. You’ll hear how your grandfather lost his shirt on a rental property, or your friends will talk about the risks in real estate. There will be plenty of negative opinions and advice. And just about all of it will be coming from a place of fear and lack of any real experience. Remember they are only opinions, not based on fact. People often like to talk about subjects they have no expertise in. When your car has a rattle, how many people tell you what is wrong with your car? There is one person to listen to and that is your mechanic! The key here is knowing who to listen to as you move forward with real estate investing. You need to sift, sort, and screen through all the opinions. Certainly none of it will be coming from anyone who will have the least bit of knowledge of what you’re learning here. Your friends and family members mean well and probably want to protect you in most cases. They are just stuck in their own rut, and they’re not taking the action that you are to get out of the rut. Sometimes its fear and other times its lack of knowledge. Whatever the case, do not let them get you off the fast track you are now on.

So another thing I want to help you do is to plan for the negativ- ity. It’s like having an umbrella before it rains.

Think about your family and friends and what they’re likely to say when you roll out this life-changing plan. I bet you can even imagine which friends or family members will be the most opinionated and the loudest. Just knowing that the negativity

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