30 Days to Real Estate Cash 47

Locate at least five real estate offices in your local area. 1. Start calling real estate agents using Matt’s script. Keep a file on what each agent sends you and notes about how they respond and answer questions. Get rid of those who are slow or don’t give you the right information. Get a street map of your local area and map out with lit- 2. tle dots where cash buyers are buying properties. Match that up with the areas the real estate agents are telling you are “hot.” Start another file for local market research. Learn where 3. new business is moving, what areas are growing, and where people are moving. Note what you’re learning on your map, as well. When you see overlaps for these first three items, you’re seeing opportunity. Continue to read and post on my website at www.Dean- 4. Graziosi.com and get to know other investors just like you. There’s a ton of material there, as well as helpful people ready to answer your questions. Create a new email address that you use exclusively for 5. your real estate business. This new email address can be created for free by visiting Google or Yahoo. Review content and complete all homework from Page 6. 1 - Phase 1 and Phase 2 and move on to Page # 2 of your blueprint system.

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