Let me tell you what makes my promise of real estate fast cash within 30 days a very real and achievable goal. Many of my stu- dents and I have proven over and over again that following the steps in this book, in order and at the pace we roll them out, will create success by completing deals. So, at this point, even if you’re feeling a little unsure, nervous, or even scared, just take a deep breath and trust me and the stu- dents who’ve blazed the trail before you. This proven blueprint system does work, and it will work for you in your local area…if you stop over-thinking and just start doing.

Your Role and Value In this chapter, we’re going to dis- cuss finding cash buyers--highly motivated and qualified buyers— for deals you’ll deliver to them. In future chapters you’ll learn how to

find these deals, and they’ll be far better deals than these buyers could have found on their own. You can furnish these buyers with the one thing they often do not have enough of…TIME. These buyers have the cash but often do not have enough time to locate and lock up these killer deals. That’s why these buyers will stand in line to gobble up every deal you can bring to them. You’re in the middle, introducing buyers to deals, and they’ll be happy to pay you to do it. Ev- eryone loves a great deal and we are going to give them as many as they desire! About Real Estate & Why This Works Have you ever heard another investor say, “ I make my money when I buy real estate? ” Did it sound a little weird when you heard it? You probably didn’t think much about it then, but

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