30 Days to Real Estate Cash 75

ond job, and he still had a young family to deal with at home.

I asked him to do one thing, which is the same thing I’m asking you to do here. Get a notepad and keep track of where you spend your time each day and every day for up to a week. Write down what you’re doing and how long you’re doing it. The only way you know if you don’t have enough time for something is to see what you’re doing with your time. This is important to your future. It’s up to you to make sure you’re not spending time in less worthy pursuits that you can drop or shorten. When one of my students tracked his time this way, he found that he had 15 minute morning and afternoon coffee breaks and an hour for lunch during his workday. He also realized that his lunch time was spent with his friends griping about the job and the boss. They also complained about other things, but it was clear that lunch wasn’t a very productive time for him. He went to his boss, who he wouldn’t complain about any more, and got him to agree to let him forego the two coffee breaks and take an hour and a half for lunch. He then skipped hanging with nega- tive coworkers and packed his lunch rather than buying it. Now during that hour and a half he studied my material, made phone calls, and lined up deals. He found a real estate agent and lined up other team members. It took him longer than the course called for, but he had his first deal within six months, and it was all done during his lunch time. An added bonus was that he had more family time in the evening. Where might you have an hour or more hidden in your normal day? You started reading this book with the desire to change your life for the better. Surely it can’t be too difficult to find a way to make a small change in your daily routine to free up the time to make it happen and to realize your goals. One thing is for certain: if you keep doing what you’re doing,

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