30 Days to Real Estate Cash 89

1. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and wondering how to find the time to keep on track with this material, please take a notebook with you and note how you spend your time. You are very likely to find where you can create more time to change your life. 2. Do some practice exercises using Matt’s formula. Get actual sold prices and select comparables to value a home for sale in your neighborhood. Run the formula and come up with the asking price.

3. Go to www.totalviewrealestate.com and watch several of the training videos under the:

1) Find It! – light green box button located on the left side of the screen for www.totalviewrealestate.com

2) Lock IT Up! – yellow box button located on the left side of the screen for www.totalviewrealestate.com

3) Sell It! – light blue box button located on the left side of the screen for www.totalviewrealestate.com

4. If you have completed all that we have covered so far and you still feel uncertain or want more help, visit my real estate suc- cess training at www.DeansAcademy.com and see if it might be right for you. Thousands of students have chosen this train- ing as the stepping stone to their first successful deal--and beyond.

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