INSTRUCTORS WILBUR JAMES ANTISDALE, Bible Exposition. A.B., George Pepperdine College, 1940; B.D. San Anselmo, 1943.
Charles BLESER, Music. Trumpet. Mus.B., Eastman School of Music, 1949; Candidate Mus.M., Univers it y of Southern California.
BURNS BORNE, Music. Harmony. Studied under Miss Josephine Bordeaux. Charles BOVINGDON, Music. Trombone. Studied under Gregor Charvinsky (Member of Los Angeles Philharmoni c Orchestra), and Cesar Thoneson. Viola BOVINGDON, Music. Violin. Studied under Lorn Steinberg (Member of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra), Robert Marsteller, Albert P. Adams. SHIRLEY A. DOMINIK, Music. Solfeggio, Orchestration. Mus.B., Michigan State College, 1945; Graduate work, Michigan State College, 1946-47. C. DOMINIK, Music. Band and Orchestra Director. Mus.B., Michigan State College, 1949; Candidate M.M., University of Southern California, 1950. Ruth FLATLEY, Music. Voice. Studied under Joseph Finely, Beulah Belle Chandler, Gordon Bochland, J.ohn Bu rk, Mrs. Charles Lyon Kurm. Louise ARNOLD FORD, Music. Piano, 'Cello. Mus.B. Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1923; Graduate work: Oberlin Conservatory, 1926-27; Cleveland Institute of Music, 1928-29; U niversity of Southern California, Sl931; Music Academy of the West Occidental College, Sl947 and Spring 1949; Studied under Axel Simousen. ESTHER FOWLER, Music. Harp. Music.B., Baldwin-Wallace Conservatory of Music, 1935; Studied under Maree Grandjany . MARGARET BAILEY JACOBSEN, Christian Education A.B., Wheaton College, 1938; M.A., Wheaton College, 1940; Graduate work, University of South ern California, 1940. DOROTHYKING, Music. Piano Accordion. Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1919; Studied under Mrs . J. W. Livertte, William Hullinger,Galla-Rini. Jose L. MORALES, Spanish. William A.B., Instituto Cervantes, Madrid, 1939; M.A., Oriental Institute of Rome, Italy, 1943; Ph.D., University Central of Madrid, 1944; Litt.D. Press Section, Foreign Relations Ministry, Madrid, 1944. Helen SHERMAN, Music. Piano. A.B., University of California at Los Angeles, 1946. STERLING D. SMITH, Music. Flute. Mus.B., Eastman School of Music, 1939; Graduate work, University of Southern California, 1941, 1945, 1946. Frances THIESEN, Braille. B.Chr.Ed., The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1947. NANCY WOOLNOUGH, Gospel Broadcasting Diploma, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 1947. 36
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